So Friday night DH and I just sat and talked, no TV, A was in bed - we just talked. It was really nice we don't do that near enough. Most of it was about his conference but I was encouraged to hear about his job prospects and what he learned and who he met that might be able to help him in the future.

Then last night we were talking about his mom, I don't even remember what started the conversation this time but it was something else strange that she had done while she was here. And he says, did I tell you what she said? So she left here and should have been home Friday by 3:30 and when she hadn't called by 4:30 he called her because she had fallen on our front steps right before she left. Anyway, I guess while they were talking she said that 3 days with me had made her realize that he had "married well." I'm sure I should take that as a compliment but at the same time why has it taken her 7 years (or 12) to figure that out?

I had some contractions last night, I thought maybe that was it but once I got up, peed, and changed positions they stopped. So we're still waiting...I was having some issues with the name the last few weeks, when I say it the way we are going to call him I don't think of the person he's named after I think of a college friend that went by the same full name. But as DH and I say it more I think more of it the way I should so that is good. I know my family will be excited when they hear it, I just wish he would hurry up