So little Mr Robert was born on the 11th and we are smitten. Our first night home was ROUGH! He pretty much cluster fed the ENTIRE night, I got about 2 hours of sleep, not at once either. I did get two naps yesterday thought. Last night was better. I got about 3 1/2 hours, 2 of which was in one large chunk, so it was better. He's a sleepy nurser so that is part of the problem, we're not sure if its a supply issue still or if its just the way he is. We'll see. I tried to pump yesterday and it hurt like hell, it also did with A but I didn't really have much choice so I struggled through it. With him, not so much, if my milk comes in great, if I can keep up with him, great - but I'm not pumping and we'll supplement if necessary. Its just to much stress for me to handle to try to feed him by breast, pump and keep up with a toddler. We'll see how it goes.

My mom just left but it was GREAT having her here. She was such a big help. We're excited to see the whole family, at least my side, on the 24th. DH's parents may be coming up this weekend, we're still not sure so we'll see. Of course he's on call Thursday night and the weekend - fun!