So DH is in lab, he is the only resident. There is the PI, two post-docs and an MD/PhD student. She's been in the lab for almost a year, I've met her several times and until about 4 months ago she was in a long distance relationship. Every time I've seen her until Wednesday I've had the kids with me and she ADORES them! She is always playing with Adele or volunteering to hold Robert when we're at lab functions.

She is the main person behind wrapping DH's desk in foil for April Fool's Day and they are constantly playing pranks on each other. My DH is a jokester, I've always known that but I wonder if she may take some of them the wrong way and I've wondered that for a while, before Wednesday. So Wednesday I didn't have the kids but I went up to the lab to use one of their PC's for something and to take DH to lunch. The kids and I had just been there Monday. When we were there Monday she stopped what she was doing and spent the entire time we were there with the kids. Wednesday she looked up when I walked in but when DH said the kids weren't there she didn't even say hi to me. She and I were the only ones in this small office space for about 30 minutes, not a word and when I left I said by and she didn't even respond.

I don't know, maybe I'm over reacting but I thought that was odd. To not even say hi or by when she's always been so nice to me otherwise really rubbed me the wrong way...