DH is starting to freak out that he is either not going to get a job with a research component or end up at some bottom tier program.

Three major reasons:
1. His number of publications isn't great. As someone from the business world I'm frustrated that graduates from a program like UCSF where they have people specifically to help residents get publications out and graduates from a program like Mayo (and many others) that are completely on their own are compared apples to apples when that is not anywhere close to accurate.
2. He has given one talk and now two posters at major conferences. He's pissed because his submission for the big October meeting was accepted as an electronic poster instead of a talk. He thinks these electronic posters really diminish the work because the only way anyone sees them is if they get on a computer and search for them.
3. His two years of research is probably going to amount to a bust because he got put in a lab with a crappy PI and had no tech which means he spent a big chunk of his time doing crap work instead of real science.

We know you don't start at a big name program 90% of the time unless you trained there and we know here is most likely not an option and one that he isn't all that interested in anyway. But his attitude has hit the cellar the last few weeks and I have to figure out a way to get him out of this funk before his schedule goes to crap or its just going to make everything worse.

He also made the comment that obviously can't handle his work or home life based on the fact that I told him how much it hurt that he totally dropped the ball on Mother's Day. Oh what a fun 13 months I am NOT looking forward to!