I just had to share this with you guys......my dad sent us the Hooked on Phonics system for the kids for Christmas....Finny had been mentioning that maybe the "phonics game" could help her because she had been seeing the commercials....we told her this was the phonics game and she has really taken off....she can now (in less than a week) identify all letters but 5....before christmas she was able to identify about 10 or so.....so that is an improvement.....she loves it and she has actually read her first word ~at~ and ~cat~ and has memorized the first story about a fat cat (though she thinks she is reading it ) This has been such an incredible breakthrough for her and we have worried so much about her language skills......it's really a relief...to top it off, we set Andrew up doing a different level...and Alex has learned the letter A....this is really an awesome thing!!!