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Baby #3

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  • #16
    On a psychological note, I think (in my own personal opinion) that you would find having another, single, baby so incredibly easy in comparison that it would just be silly. My friend, you have had the trial by fire and all else (minus triplets) pales in comparison!

    On the health side, I don't know anyone who has bled or had preeclampsia and then subseqent normal pregnancies. However, I haven't asked anyone, and I know A LOT of moms. I agree that you should check with your doc first for the chance of future problems.

    What's wrong with a baby at forty as long as you can handle it emotionally and physically? Just ignore your age. You have GOT to be in great shape anyway just to keep up with your daughters!

    Perhaps you should check into adoption? I am a MONSTER when I am pregnant. I HATE being pregnant! For that reason my husband suggested that he get "fixed" and we adopt in a few years rather than have any more of our own. I am all for that idea. But, I 'll have to take a couple of years to think about it - if I really think I can't cope with another pregnancy or if I want to get back in the old hormone stretch mark ring. Any way I look at it, I do believe we will add a couple more kids to the family in the next decade.

    What does your husband think of ya'll adding to your family? If your pregnancy is going to be difficult (or even if it's not) you'll really need a lot of support from him.


    • #17
      On a psychological note, I think (in my own personal opinion) that you would find having another, single, baby so incredibly easy in comparison that it would just be silly. My friend, you have had the trial by fire and all else (minus triplets) pales in comparison!

      On the health side, I don't know anyone who has bled or had preeclampsia and then subseqent normal pregnancies. However, I haven't asked anyone, and I know A LOT of moms. I agree that you should check with your doc first for the chance of future problems.

      What's wrong with a baby at forty as long as you can handle it emotionally and physically? Just ignore your age. You have GOT to be in great shape anyway just to keep up with your daughters!

      Perhaps you should check into adoption? I am a MONSTER when I am pregnant. I HATE being pregnant! For that reason my husband suggested that he get "fixed" and we adopt in a few years rather than have any more of our own. I am all for that idea. But, I 'll have to take a couple of years to think about it - if I really think I can't cope with another pregnancy or if I want to get back in the old hormone stretch mark ring. Any way I look at it, I do believe we will add a couple more kids to the family in the next decade.

      What does your husband think of ya'll adding to your family? If your pregnancy is going to be difficult (or even if it's not) you'll really need a lot of support from him.


      • #18
        On a psychological note, I think (in my own personal opinion) that you would find having another, single, baby so incredibly easy in comparison that it would just be silly. My friend, you have had the trial by fire and all else (minus triplets) pales in comparison!

        On the health side, I don't know anyone who has bled or had preeclampsia and then subseqent normal pregnancies. However, I haven't asked anyone, and I know A LOT of moms. I agree that you should check with your doc first for the chance of future problems.

        What's wrong with a baby at forty as long as you can handle it emotionally and physically? Just ignore your age. You have GOT to be in great shape anyway just to keep up with your daughters!

        Perhaps you should check into adoption? I am a MONSTER when I am pregnant. I HATE being pregnant! For that reason my husband suggested that he get "fixed" and we adopt in a few years rather than have any more of our own. I am all for that idea. But, I 'll have to take a couple of years to think about it - if I really think I can't cope with another pregnancy or if I want to get back in the old hormone stretch mark ring. Any way I look at it, I do believe we will add a couple more kids to the family in the next decade.

        What does your husband think of ya'll adding to your family? If your pregnancy is going to be difficult (or even if it's not) you'll really need a lot of support from him.


        • #19
          I didn't really lose the weight all that fast. I hung onto about 10 extra pounds until I stopped breastfeeding, but I was saying all of that to make the point that I've often thought, "Hey, I've got two wonderful, healthy kids, I had two pretty fun pregnancies and my pregnancies have really not had that much of an effect on my body in the way of stretch marks, weight gain, etc. Should I risk not being so lucky with all of that the 3rd time around or should I stop while I'm ahead?"

          I really feel that although I don't want another baby right now, I will probably want another sometime in the future and that's another issue: How old is too old to have a baby?

          Janet, my grandmother had her last child when she was 42 and did fine. Just think of all of the people these days who are having babies in their 40's - Kathy Lee Gifford, Christy Brinkley, what's-her-name who's married to Warren Beatty (my mind went blank), etc., etc. My pastor's wife had 6 kids and her last one was born in her 40's. I think it's definitely doable, but would talk to my OB about it too.


          • #20
            I didn't really lose the weight all that fast. I hung onto about 10 extra pounds until I stopped breastfeeding, but I was saying all of that to make the point that I've often thought, "Hey, I've got two wonderful, healthy kids, I had two pretty fun pregnancies and my pregnancies have really not had that much of an effect on my body in the way of stretch marks, weight gain, etc. Should I risk not being so lucky with all of that the 3rd time around or should I stop while I'm ahead?"

            I really feel that although I don't want another baby right now, I will probably want another sometime in the future and that's another issue: How old is too old to have a baby?

            Janet, my grandmother had her last child when she was 42 and did fine. Just think of all of the people these days who are having babies in their 40's - Kathy Lee Gifford, Christy Brinkley, what's-her-name who's married to Warren Beatty (my mind went blank), etc., etc. My pastor's wife had 6 kids and her last one was born in her 40's. I think it's definitely doable, but would talk to my OB about it too.


            • #21
              I didn't really lose the weight all that fast. I hung onto about 10 extra pounds until I stopped breastfeeding, but I was saying all of that to make the point that I've often thought, "Hey, I've got two wonderful, healthy kids, I had two pretty fun pregnancies and my pregnancies have really not had that much of an effect on my body in the way of stretch marks, weight gain, etc. Should I risk not being so lucky with all of that the 3rd time around or should I stop while I'm ahead?"

              I really feel that although I don't want another baby right now, I will probably want another sometime in the future and that's another issue: How old is too old to have a baby?

              Janet, my grandmother had her last child when she was 42 and did fine. Just think of all of the people these days who are having babies in their 40's - Kathy Lee Gifford, Christy Brinkley, what's-her-name who's married to Warren Beatty (my mind went blank), etc., etc. My pastor's wife had 6 kids and her last one was born in her 40's. I think it's definitely doable, but would talk to my OB about it too.


              • #22
                thanks for all the thoughts! I guess I'm not the only one mulling over this idea of another baby! I will talk to an OB, but the OB I had in Toronto was horrible. A battleax. I was so frightened of her. She used to yell at me for gaining too much weight. Meanwhile I had 100 pounds on me when I delivered and at least 50 was water weight (I was swelled up like an elephant). It was incredible to lose 75 pounds in one week though. I felt like a deflating party balloon! Then the rest came off by the end of four weeks. Funny that she chastized me for eating too much. Anyway, I'd like to find a better OB in our new city. So, I will look.

                Kris, doesn't hemmhoraging just scare you silly? I mean, I almost coded on the table while poor Andrew watched with big, round eyes. I remember those eyes staring down on me. And they never gave me fluid when I was bleeding out. They were afraid of lowering my sodium and the preeclampsia had me dangerously low on my sodium. ANyway, my hemmoglobin was 5.1. I could hear my heart pounding. Then to hemmhorage again 4 weeks later.... Maybe adoption is a good alternative. I hear there are thousands of little baby girls stuck in orphanages in China that only foreigners want. Maybe what I should do is take the pressure off myself and tell myself if I want to adopt at 45, then there is no hurry to decide. But I will talk to an OB first.


                • #23
                  thanks for all the thoughts! I guess I'm not the only one mulling over this idea of another baby! I will talk to an OB, but the OB I had in Toronto was horrible. A battleax. I was so frightened of her. She used to yell at me for gaining too much weight. Meanwhile I had 100 pounds on me when I delivered and at least 50 was water weight (I was swelled up like an elephant). It was incredible to lose 75 pounds in one week though. I felt like a deflating party balloon! Then the rest came off by the end of four weeks. Funny that she chastized me for eating too much. Anyway, I'd like to find a better OB in our new city. So, I will look.

                  Kris, doesn't hemmhoraging just scare you silly? I mean, I almost coded on the table while poor Andrew watched with big, round eyes. I remember those eyes staring down on me. And they never gave me fluid when I was bleeding out. They were afraid of lowering my sodium and the preeclampsia had me dangerously low on my sodium. ANyway, my hemmoglobin was 5.1. I could hear my heart pounding. Then to hemmhorage again 4 weeks later.... Maybe adoption is a good alternative. I hear there are thousands of little baby girls stuck in orphanages in China that only foreigners want. Maybe what I should do is take the pressure off myself and tell myself if I want to adopt at 45, then there is no hurry to decide. But I will talk to an OB first.


                  • #24
                    thanks for all the thoughts! I guess I'm not the only one mulling over this idea of another baby! I will talk to an OB, but the OB I had in Toronto was horrible. A battleax. I was so frightened of her. She used to yell at me for gaining too much weight. Meanwhile I had 100 pounds on me when I delivered and at least 50 was water weight (I was swelled up like an elephant). It was incredible to lose 75 pounds in one week though. I felt like a deflating party balloon! Then the rest came off by the end of four weeks. Funny that she chastized me for eating too much. Anyway, I'd like to find a better OB in our new city. So, I will look.

                    Kris, doesn't hemmhoraging just scare you silly? I mean, I almost coded on the table while poor Andrew watched with big, round eyes. I remember those eyes staring down on me. And they never gave me fluid when I was bleeding out. They were afraid of lowering my sodium and the preeclampsia had me dangerously low on my sodium. ANyway, my hemmoglobin was 5.1. I could hear my heart pounding. Then to hemmhorage again 4 weeks later.... Maybe adoption is a good alternative. I hear there are thousands of little baby girls stuck in orphanages in China that only foreigners want. Maybe what I should do is take the pressure off myself and tell myself if I want to adopt at 45, then there is no hurry to decide. But I will talk to an OB first.


                    • #25
                      Hi Janet...i just have to add my 2cents worth.I had 3 babies and i've always said...even to this day....if my son had been my 1st baby he'd have been an only child!!!!My God was he hard...the 2girls were so much easier.Being pregnant with each one was a breeze and i always lost the weight right after and had my flat tummy back.Even today at 5'7' i still only weight 123lbs and have no stretch marks and nice flat tummy.I loved being pregnant...the hard part was the baby!LOL He had 4months of colic even with breastfeeding....and it got harder the older he got.We spoiled him terribly tho as he is Philip the 3rd....the little 20years old.But i say if you even THINK you may want another one....then go for it!And no 40 is NOT too old!!



                      • #26
                        Hi Janet...i just have to add my 2cents worth.I had 3 babies and i've always said...even to this day....if my son had been my 1st baby he'd have been an only child!!!!My God was he hard...the 2girls were so much easier.Being pregnant with each one was a breeze and i always lost the weight right after and had my flat tummy back.Even today at 5'7' i still only weight 123lbs and have no stretch marks and nice flat tummy.I loved being pregnant...the hard part was the baby!LOL He had 4months of colic even with breastfeeding....and it got harder the older he got.We spoiled him terribly tho as he is Philip the 3rd....the little 20years old.But i say if you even THINK you may want another one....then go for it!And no 40 is NOT too old!!



                        • #27
                          Hi Janet...i just have to add my 2cents worth.I had 3 babies and i've always said...even to this day....if my son had been my 1st baby he'd have been an only child!!!!My God was he hard...the 2girls were so much easier.Being pregnant with each one was a breeze and i always lost the weight right after and had my flat tummy back.Even today at 5'7' i still only weight 123lbs and have no stretch marks and nice flat tummy.I loved being pregnant...the hard part was the baby!LOL He had 4months of colic even with breastfeeding....and it got harder the older he got.We spoiled him terribly tho as he is Philip the 3rd....the little 20years old.But i say if you even THINK you may want another one....then go for it!And no 40 is NOT too old!!



                          • #28
                            I guess the preeclampsia and hemorrhaging is really the biggest issue for you, Janet. The fact that you have already had a set of twins coupled with the fact that your risk of having twins increases with age, makes your chances of having twins again higher.

                            I do admire you and Jennifer for the fact that having twins is such a huge challenge. I don't know if I would have handled it as well as you two.

                            Oh, one thing that was bad for me after having my kids was PPD. Mine lasted for about 3 weeks with both and then went away. My little theory is that it took my body that long to rid itself of the extra pregnancy hormones and those extra hormones were what was causing my depression (mind you, that is mere speculation). The depression was the worst part of the whole thing, to me.

                            I think that adoption is also a wonderful option. I've seen the documentary shows about the orphanages in China full of little girls and I've often wished that I could have one of them to raise myself.

                            Well, let us know if you find a new OB and tell us what he/she says. I also have to find a new OB, so wish me luck too!


                            • #29
                              I guess the preeclampsia and hemorrhaging is really the biggest issue for you, Janet. The fact that you have already had a set of twins coupled with the fact that your risk of having twins increases with age, makes your chances of having twins again higher.

                              I do admire you and Jennifer for the fact that having twins is such a huge challenge. I don't know if I would have handled it as well as you two.

                              Oh, one thing that was bad for me after having my kids was PPD. Mine lasted for about 3 weeks with both and then went away. My little theory is that it took my body that long to rid itself of the extra pregnancy hormones and those extra hormones were what was causing my depression (mind you, that is mere speculation). The depression was the worst part of the whole thing, to me.

                              I think that adoption is also a wonderful option. I've seen the documentary shows about the orphanages in China full of little girls and I've often wished that I could have one of them to raise myself.

                              Well, let us know if you find a new OB and tell us what he/she says. I also have to find a new OB, so wish me luck too!


                              • #30
                                I guess the preeclampsia and hemorrhaging is really the biggest issue for you, Janet. The fact that you have already had a set of twins coupled with the fact that your risk of having twins increases with age, makes your chances of having twins again higher.

                                I do admire you and Jennifer for the fact that having twins is such a huge challenge. I don't know if I would have handled it as well as you two.

                                Oh, one thing that was bad for me after having my kids was PPD. Mine lasted for about 3 weeks with both and then went away. My little theory is that it took my body that long to rid itself of the extra pregnancy hormones and those extra hormones were what was causing my depression (mind you, that is mere speculation). The depression was the worst part of the whole thing, to me.

                                I think that adoption is also a wonderful option. I've seen the documentary shows about the orphanages in China full of little girls and I've often wished that I could have one of them to raise myself.

                                Well, let us know if you find a new OB and tell us what he/she says. I also have to find a new OB, so wish me luck too!

