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Getting Organized....

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  • Getting Organized....

    Alright, if there are any SAHMs out there who are organized, I desperately need some do you organize meals for the week, keep the house clean despite little tornados running around messing as fast as you clean it...and still keep your, help, help!


  • #2
    Organization....What's that?!


    • #3
      I know, I know...and it's killing me! I just can't seem to juggle things any more...In my before children days when I worked (and knew it all hahaha) I was so much more organized. I planned things well in advance, was never late....and now I decide what to make for dinner as I'm making it, don't have an organized list of chores for the kids to takes me forever to get the house cleaned up.....I feel like I'm drowning in my disorganization!!!



      • #4
        I think the key here is less organization and more improvisation. I organize the REALLY important stuff (like holidays and birthdays) and play it by ear the rest of the time. I also let a lot of things slide the older I get and the more children I have. My house is CLEAN (as in nothing is rotting that I know of) but it's always messy, and I've accepted that with a herd of small children it's just going to be that way for a few years. I do not have enough hours in the day to accomplish all the tasks that could be accomplished so I kind of prioritize things and hope the rest falls into place (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't). As the kids get older things will get easier and more organized - my mother has an impeccably clean, beautifully decorated home - but she doesn't have three foot whirling dirvishes in her house. I have a home that would give a maid service hours worth of work - but I've got three kids (four if you count Jon and I usually do count him) spreading their toys, etc all over the place from sunup to sundown. Dinner is whatever I picked up at the grocery store and if the kids don't like it there's peanut butter and jelly.

        Edited by: JenniferLR at: 10/30/01 10:55:07 am


        • #5
          It is SO nice to hear that we are all going through the same thing. I run around not knowing what I am doing half of the time. My house is an absolute disaster right now, more so than usual because I started a new transcription job and with Halloween and my son's birthday this week, the house has definitely taken a backseat. I usually try to get the house together first thing Saturday mornings, at least the major cleaning stuff. It always has the clutter of toys!

          Dinner... sigh... I used to be much better about planning. I usually decided the night before what we would have but I have been pulling the last minute, what is the quickest possible meal and we are eating HORRIBLY! Last night was hotdogs!!! The night before was macaroni and cheese! Ugh! I used to make my menus after getting the grocery ads in our Wednesday paper. I would see what was on sale and then choose meals that would go with the sale items. I haven't been really grocery shopping in three weeks because I haven't had time. I do the pick up a few things here and there when I have an extra minute.

          My only lifesaver is my calendar! If it is not on my calendar posted on the refrigerator, it won't get done. I keep track of the kids' soccer schedules, parties, fieldtrips, any activities etc. I even have to right down on the calendar if my kids are supposed to bring treats to something because I will not remember otherwise. This works well if I remember to check the darn thing!!! I try to look at it at the beginning of the week for an overall view and then every night before bed to make sure I haven't forgotten something important. The problem is that my husband doesn't use the same system and he will throw me for a loop when he announces some activity on the day we have to do it.

          It is nice to know that you are all going through this too. REALLY! I sometimes wonder what is wrong with me that I am not juggling all this better. But... I hope that I look back and think of all the great times with my family and the fact that my house was not altogether will mean nothing! In the meantime...

          I had better go and clean while I have a few minutes!!!!



          • #6
            Jennifer, your house sounds like mine. I get a cleaning lady in every two weeks. This ensures that any dirt under the "kid's mess" is no less than two weeks old. I maintain the vacuuming in the main floor, the kitchen floor, and the downstairs bathroom. Everything else gets cleaned only every other week. Dusting? I never do it! That's an every two week thing too. And dinner? Usually I don't even think about it until it happens. And then, if my kids don't like it? Peanut butter on a spoon with a big glass of milk and popcorn (carbs, protein, and milk).

            Truth be told, I most often feel like a flunky mom. I go to a gym where a bunch of other mothers also work out. These women have ONE child, and they seem to manage to do everything. With my two, shopping is a pain (sibling warfare is the biggest problem), I am always behind schedule getting to classes at the gym, and my kids do not wear "perfect" outfits. I'm lucky if their socks match. Depending on who picked what to wear (sometimes I let them decide, so as not to squash their self esteem for picking something mommy doesn't approve of), they can look a bit funny. BUT, they are always wearing clean clothes, socks, and undies. Always clean. Mind you, they are often hand picked from the unfolded laundry pile in the morning, but they are clean!

            Today, I was a real flunky mommy. There was a Halloween party at the gym and I asked a few of the mothers if they were bringing candy for the kids. They said no, and I assumed they were telling the truth. I said "great, because my two will freak out from too much sugar". Wellllll, they brought not only one thing, but bags of assorted toys, candy, and decorations for each child. And I had NOTHING!!! I'm wondering how I will even show my stupid face there tomorrow.



            • #7
              It is nice to know, isn't it!!!

              Yesterday, Andrew's teacher called me to ask where his reader and signature pages were. We are supposed to read with them every night and then sign off on it {sigh}. Hey...I couldn't hold onto these papers for myself in school, and now I have to hold onto papers for everyone else...I'm in BIG trouble, ladies! I felt like I was being called to the principal's office yesterday. She told me to send it in today...and I couldn't find the sig I had to make a new one...add a few entries , and put it in his folder....I felt like such a loser!!!!!!

              Edited by: kmmath  at: 11/2/01 10:28:48 am


              • #8
                I need to get organized!!! I've really slacked lately!!!


                • #9
                  I know that I mentioned this in another post, but what has REALLY helped me get progressively more organized of late is the following site:
                  You join the group and get "instructions" on how to gradually (ie in small, workable chunks) get your life and your home organized. So far, so good in my house! It's especially important right now since we are having to purge about two-thirds of our stuff before the move. We're going to have one heck of a garage sale!!!



                  • #10
                    Oh Jennifer,
                    I went to this website!!!!!!!!! I actually had a timer with me this morning. I can't seem to get a handle on this house. I hope this website will be as helpful as it appears to be.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      The thing I like so much about that site is she repeatedly tells you in her email reminders that you should not feel guilty and just start wherever you are at - that there is no such thing as "catching up". I've managed to keep my sink clean for over two weeks now!!! It's the small things that matter to me . I've been timing myself, too - I really do feel more empowered since I can accomplish so much in just fifteen minutes.



                      • #12
                        Thanks Jennifer for the link! I'm looking forward to trying it out!



                        • #13
                          I missed these posts while my mom was here..this is an AWESOME link...maybe I CAN get organized...I can't wait to try this!!!!!!



                          • #14
                            that i've heard of...she is a stay at home mom and a public speaker. She used to be a teacher. She has written some GREAT books on how to stay sane!

                            Here's her website \">

                            I found her books and ideas and ENERGY really helpful.


                            • #15
                              I think your post got cut off? I had trouble following the you think you could post it again?


