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Here we go again...

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  • Re: Here we go again...

    Wow- so today was my first day back at the gym. I haven't been this sick in forever. Today I was at about 80%. Crazy!

    So here's the Reader's Digest Version: (Keith will be on in 15 minutes and he might be wearing purple)

    Small boy- awesome. I can't believe he turns five in 16 days. I already missed his first 13 months- how did he get to be five already? Scary. But he cracks me up and he gives me hugs and kisses and he's flippin' FAB. Couldn't have a better kid.

    Larger boy- awesome. Still the love of my life. Not squished on the motorcycle yet so all is well. He got a crew cut today so he'll get laid. Sad but true about my military guy thing. I'm so easy.

    House- hallway is painted and Flor is down in two rooms. The drought is making my walls crack like eggs so now the painting and spackling in the rest of the house is reaching critical.

    Pets- furry and shedding.

    Job- awesome! Had to work with THE executive director today before he goes to DC to testify to Congress. Made him laugh a couple times so I'm hoping it's all good.

    Parents- coming to SA on Thursday because Dad turns 67 on Saturday. That seems so old. It kind of scares me. I don't think I'm going to be happy about their birthdays anymore.

    Sibling- mine: excellent. Ricks: insane

    MIL: wants us to come visit this summer. I guess since I took one for the team almost two years ago, and then we went last year, we're due.

    Vacation: London. One of Rick's friends from high school is getting married in August. My BFF works for Marriott and we got the Friends and Family Rate for Grosvenor Square. Doesn't suck. and my parents will be coming to stay with the dude.

    OK- must pour a glass of wine for Keith. I love Keith.


    • Thank you to whomever of my fellow admins moved my blog! (that would be either Kris or Angie, I'd guess!)

      I'm taking a break from Spring cleaning my bedroom. I'm putting away all of the cold weather stuff, most of it doesn't even get hauled out anymore but what little we did haul out is all put away. Ive got tons of ironing to do so I'm charging the iPod and I'm going to knock that out.

      The biggest stressor is the DC house. Actually, I'm not stressed anymore because it goes off the market on the 31st and I want it rented by 4/1. We were supposed to have an offer come in on Friday, the guy dicked around and as Jeff (my realtor) was driving to meet him he called and cancelled. I emailed Jeff my plans to relist it on CraigsList and move on. I told him that unless dipshit is going to make us a full price or close to full price offer that I'm just not interested. I've had it with flaky buyers. The old adage about actions speaking louder then words definitely applies to home buyers.

      So, if/when we can get a renter (and I've already contacted USUHS and will contact all of the other medical/academic hospitals tomorrow) life will be good. Is it ideal? No but we can deal with it and focus on everything else in our lives. We're really at the cusp of getting out of our financial hole and not having the house rented just delayed the whole process.

      My job is a whole lot of hurry up and wait as I prep for our big audit on 4/20. I hope that everything goes well. I can't imagine that it won't but I'm a stressball nonetheless.

      Well, I've finished my banana (lunch) and I must tackle the ironing while I'm feeling remotely motivated.


      • In a quick update- the potential buyer told Jeff that for sure he was going to meet him tonight. They met tonight. A few months back Jeff had already told him a general price point that we would agree to- and just as I predicted he lowered his price by another 10k. Poor Jeff. I KNEW he'd try to low ball us.

        So, we have some potential renters. There are lots of options and apparently things are hooping along in DC sales-wise. We'll see. Luckily, as much as it hurts, we CAN afford to wait it out and either get a decent renter or a good (non-flakey) buyer.

        Off to bed- I had temperature control issues all last night and didn't sleep very well.


        • So, dipshit buyer (or want to be buyer) has resurfaced. Among the things he told Jeff this time is that they want to replace the windows. Except this is a co-op. He doesn't OWN the windows, the condo association does. Of course you can replace your windows but everything must be coordinated with the co-op and the co-op gets final say.


          In the meantime, I've hired my cousin and her husband as my property managers and they're going to have a mini-open house on Sunday for potential renters.



          • I'm home from work today- it's Good Friday and my beloved husband can't figure out why he doesn't have patients scheduled. So, just because he can't believe that the clinics are closed, he went in. But first he went to Grand Rounds at UTHSC (University of Texas Health Science Center) but I'll bet $50 they didn't have them today.

            It doesn't matter- I have a 90 minute massage scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. The gym I belong to just bought out a chi-chi gym near downtown and the chi-chi gym has a spa. So, 90 minutes for $100 and I'll be a whole new girl. (and I don't even feel guilty because my assistant just discovered that the company forgot to reimburse me from the trip to Dallas last year- and voila- $70sheaded my way.

            Hahahahahaha- guess who just came home! Stopped by because 1) No one was there ("it must be someplace else") and.....

            wait for it......

            wait for it......

            He forgot his beret.

            Its a good thing he's cute.


            • Well, Monday is the Big Day- the day that the team from our accreditation body come to see what I've been doing for the past 8 weeks. It's overwhelming and exciting and really, I'm so DONE with the process. DONE, I tell you.

              Everyone is sooooo spun up (well, yeah- there's Big Money attached to whether we get accredited or not) that I find myself annoyed with them all. It's all because we're all control freaks and everyone is dependent upon me. I know I have everything ready but they just have to trust that I do.

              I'm taking off immediately after the surveyors leave. I'm so ready for some time to chill and not feel the pressure of taking a brand new service through an incredibly invasive and comples process. I shouldn't be waking up at 3am wondering about whether I need to update the Performance Analysis (again...) or whether the Personnel department REALLY has everyones files up to date.

              I'm personally responsible for the destruction of about a bajillion trees.

              Oh well. This will all be over by 2pm on Tuesday. I have done all that I can to get ready and I just have to let it go. (and I tell myself that but if I were a betting person, I'd bet that I'll be over here on Sunday re-obsessing about something)

              Vacation- all I ever wanted....Vacation- have to get away. (yay Go-gos)


              • yeah. I'll update later.

                It went perfectly. as it should since I've been doing this crap for 20 years. Follow the rules = yay. Don't follow the rules = oh, what could you have done differently [while your job description is being re-written].

                and do I get a vacation w/ my husband to celebrate the kudos from MY job? No, more than likely not.

                what the F ever.


