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  • #31
    So I know I’m a picture freak…I don’t often write unless I have pictures to share, but I sure do enjoy it.

    There is not much that is exciting going on here. DS is doing very well. We lost a battle with the school district to bus him one block out of the zone for summer school. I made many, many phone calls and even the child advocate was not encouraging. It was very frustrating, but I think that James will be fine. His speech has continued to improve. He is putting complete sentences together spontaneously. Up until about a month ago and 4+ word combinations were copies of phrases we said a lot. This morning he told DH “Dad I want to go to baseball game.” That sentence would never have happened a month ago. Of course DH immediately got online and looked up tickets. After some more conversation with DH we decided to stick to our plans of going to the state fair instead.

    We had a very nice time, but it is in these situations that it becomes apparent to me that I am the primary and DH has a lot of practice to do in caring for James especially in a “difficult” situation. I know the tricks, the ins and outs. Walking in a crowd does not make me tense. DH is clearly out of place and stressed when DS starts freaking out. (This happens a lot when it is noisy and he doesn’t understand why we are moving from one destination to another.) It is so hard for me to remember that he just re-entered our lives and he does not have the benefit of always being with DS. DH is also a type A and doesn’t like to do anything “wrong.” I have to be so aware of not jumping in and taking over or criticizing all of DH’s decisions. *Deep Breath* I’ve got a four year head start, but it doesn’t lessen the frustration and the resentment over his residency-induced absence over those four years.

    I am feeling great. I am starting to feel uncomfortable, but not bad. I have moved away from freaking out and have started getting excited to meet this little guy. We have decided on Emerson Jacob. We figure he could be Emerson, Emery or E.J. We’ll have to meet him to find out what we will call him. :babyboy:

    Ignore the laundry in the background. That was at 30 weeks

    Work is also going well. It is difficult to be in and out of little chairs and up and down off of the ground all day long, but I really like the added responsibility of being an assistant director. I have also finally gotten my own classroom of 2 ½ year olds. I will only be in there for four weeks before maternity leave, but I am excited about the age group and the freedom to set things up the way I like them.

    Along the lines of previous threads about how do you handle the question about what does your DH do, I am always dealing with a double whammy. I don’t know why it is, but it seems like in this work setting, where most of my co-workers have an associates degree at most, when they find out that I have my PhD it is like I have committed some sort of betrayal. Like by not disclosing that info, I have been lying all this time. The difficult part of this new position is that many of the other teachers have been sizing me up to see what I will do wrong. They have been watching, and commenting on my parenting choices. I often hear the difficulties DS has had through the day, but not always the good stuff unless I ask. (They do it to each other too, but since I am new and the assistant director I am in more of a fish bowl.) At any rate, the director let it out at a staff meeting that I have a PhD and the whole tone has changed. It has certainly distanced those that I had begun to build a rapport with. I know everyone is wondering why the hell I am working at a daycare. I just want to know what is so bad about using the skills I have to be closer to my children, while making the money my family desperately needs! I am terrified for the crowd to learn what DH does for a living. All they know is that he works at the VA and is not hourly. (Someone commented that he must be making a lot of money with the hours he works). What ever weirdness my degree causes in this situation, DH’s title often does irreparable damage.

    When I complain about this I feel like Misha Barton complaining about how hard it is to be that beautiful , but I dread the day they all find out that he is a dawkter. I am starting to make plans to write something about class issues with this experience as a setting to illustrate how serious or class issues are in this country.

    On that has been wonderful for DH to only have back-up call. He's on for a full week at a time, but he almost never goes in. When he does it is always for surgery and that doesen't make him cranky. The next pictures hiking and at the beach are all on call days. We even took the same car DH is still getting used to the gig. He still tends to be tense when he is on call in expectation that he will have to run at any minute, but he is starting to get the hang of it...slowly.

    The beach was nice, but the lake gets sorta ripe in the summers...pretty stinky and a little toxic. There was a no swimming decree that day.

    Of course on call means that sometimes we do things in scrubs
    Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


    • #32
      Re: Yomama

      So, life started to get crazy with James's birthday. He turned four on August 27th. I can't believe that so much time has gone by. I can't believe how much of it has gone by in Milwaukee. I was looking back at pictures and I am overwhelmed at how little James was when we moved here. He is so big now, and so amazingly wonderful. I absolutely adore everything about him. It is a cool thing when your kids get old enough to find out that not only do you love them, but you really like them as well. Here he is taking a bow in his "crown king."

      I have discovered that James speaks like sign language. It is called glossing to use the ASL syntax in English. Basically you sign the subject first and then describe or explain. Because there are so many signs that are the same or similar, knowing the subject will help everyone know what the rest of it means. It isn't anything we need to worry about, thankfully. Apparently it is a common bilingual problem. If anything it let us know how much sign language he actually absorbed. He will straighten it out in the next year or so.

      After James's birthday, we filled our weekends with lots of walking to help bring Emerson into this world. For the boy who thinks all churches are castles with knights and swords, the Renaissance Faire was a lot of fun. James is swabbing the deck on the pirate ship in dress-up clothes they had available.

      James is still in love with his wooden sword and shield that dad was all to happy to buy for him.

      The following weekend we decided that the best way to get Emerson to show up would be to buy baseball tickets. Alas, the best laid plans actually worked out and we had a great time at the Brewers game. We figured out that it was so easy to get tickets because it was the first Sunday the Packers played. No one here would miss the Packers to go to a silly baseball game

      The following week my maternity leave began and we headed to the hospital on the day of our scheduled induction. The day of and before, I was very crabby. Last time was fraught with complications. They all ended up being just fine, but apparently I had some unresolved feelings. Last time I had a difficult time healing...a mis-stitched vagina would make anyone gun shy. Also, James had bilateral-hydronephrosis (spelling?) that DH saw after I insisted we go to a 4D ultrasound. He warned that US was a diagnostic tool, not a toy. There was concern about malformed heart valves after a few tests, and he had failed his hearing screening. Oh, and I couldn't get him to latch all. At two weeks, cardio cleared him. Apparently he just need a few weeks to mature. Urology cleared him after a year and several invasive traumatic (for me) tests. Obviously the hearing this was all that stuck, but out of the batch, I am so glad that it is what we ended up with. Also, I went back to school in a week and a half, so I didn't really have time to process much of anything. I remember it being extremely difficult, but I didn't realize how much I had harbored until we arrived at the hospital and I didn't want to go through with it. I wanted to remain pregnant forever. You know it is bad when you want to stay pregnant.

      We got there early in the morning and I was apparently having fairly regular contractions that I couldn't even feel. They started the pitocin and my Doc broke my water. At the time I was 2 cm and still very high. I thought he was trying to clean my tonsils when he broke my water. DH commented that it might take a while because it looked like the doc had to really reach. I got an epidural shortly after need to wait. I started to itch from something in the cocktail and got a dose of benedryl that knocked me out. DH went home to get ready for his trip to Iowa for a fellowship interview scheduled for the following day and I slept.

      My mom had come from AZ a day before. It was a miracle that we were actually able to schedule this and have it work out. I am so grateful that she was there to pick up the slack and take care of James. She sat with me and at about 1:45 my doc came to check me. I was 5cm and still very high and thick. He decided to head back to the office and my mom needed to leave to get James from school. Just as she was about to leave I shifted positions and felt the baby drop, as if he was about to drop out. I told my mom to send in the nurse on her way out. The nurse came in and assured me that there was still plenty of time, but she would go get the resident to check me. The resident, who was still in the hall after accompanying my doctor for the check he had just done 5 minutes prior, came in, checked and told the nurse to call my doc because I was complete. I called my husband who was still at home and told him he needed to get there immediately. I don't think he got the picture. I called him again five minutes later and he still had not left the house. I explained that I was going to have his baby in the next 15 minutes and he needed to get there faster than fast. So I laid in bed in my empty room and cried. I was positive that I was going to drop this baby on the table with no one else in the room.

      All alone.

      The med student came in to see if I was o.k. and I tried to answer without showing that I was crying, but he disappeared and came back with the resident who sat with me and assured me we could wait until my husband got there. I thanked her, but explained that it may be out of our hands. A few minutes later my doc showed up. He hadn't even made it back to his office when they called, and DH was right behind him. Not long after that I was told to start pushing with the next contraction, so I did. The med student asked if he could assist, but by the time he had gotten all scrubbed I was pretty much done. DH asked If I get a prize if I beat the med student, poor kid. I did have a small episiotomy...the scar tissue from last time didn't give enough. At 2:15p, Emerson Jacob joined our family as his own entity.

      I stayed my required 24 hours, but felt pretty good. James understood who Emerson was immediately and DH hit the road for Iowa. My good friend here came and stayed with me that night and we were out and about a few days later.

      It took James a few weeks for James to feel comfortable kissing Emerson and a few more days before he would hold him. Finally he asked if he could hold "it."

      He even got excited about helping take care of the babe. Now he is a very good big brother. We are still working out the sleeping issue, but we'll get there.

      When we dropped my mom off at the airport a few days after Emerson was born, Emerson was crying in the car on the way home. James said, "I know Baby Emerson, Grandma will be right back." I though my heart would break it was so precious.

      We had one weekend to go apple picking before DH disappeared for two weeks on interviews.

      While John was gone on interviews, my brother came to help celebrate my 30th birthday. Yeah, DH missed my birthday.

      Having Evan here also helped keep James distracted so he wasn't so aware that DH was gone.

      While Ev was here, we went pumpkin picking.

      My very favorite picture.

      For Halloween, we had decided to go as monsters. I tore a few clothes for James and provided a buffet of makeup, hair gel, fake hair and spooky fingers.

      James could do whatever he wanted. On one of the boxes there was a picture of a cat...and that is what he wanted. he kept saying, "I'm a cat." Followed by a forceful meow.

      He ended up looking like a cast member from the Broadway musical Cats!

      Emerson didn't seem to care for his costume.

      For school James was his favorite, Spiderman. I didn’t know there was no costume policy until it was too late…oops.

      Last weekend, DH and I celebrated our five year anniversary with a super fancy dinner. Too bad I don't have any pictures for that. We spent most of that dinner, however, hashing out our thought on fellowship, but that is its own blog.

      Now, nearly two months later, the babe known as Emerson is smiling and cooing a little bit. He has maintained a lb a week growth rate on breast milk (if I can brag) and is delightful. I think I had a bit of the baby blues, but I am feeling pretty normal again and I am ready to go back to work in a week. I just have about 40 lbs to lose

      Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


      • #33
        Re: Yomama


        Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


        • #34
          Re: Yomama

          I am so proud I figured this out!!! The link is private, so you need a youtube account and you have to accept being a friend, but this is a link to James's winter concert.

          James is on the far left of the screen, in the orange, infront of the speaker Wait for the bow at the end
          Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!

