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  • #46
    February 24, 2006

    I have been thinking a lot about why I suddenly feel so emotional. I guess initially things still seemed so "up-in-the air" and I felt the need to hold it together for me and for Thomas and the children. Now that I know that the treatment is doing what it is supposed to and that the baby is doing well I think I've been able to internalize that things really are going to be ok. I think I finally have given let down my guard and not 'be strong' for everyone around me and for myself. I've looked at the whole situation and been a little shocked and sad....maybe I was just in 'survival mode' before...

    Realizing this has given me a sense of inner peace. I don't feel panicked anymore about feeling sad or afraid...I think this is probably just a normal part of it all.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #47
      February 24, 2006

      February 24, 2006

      My mil won't be coming to visit us again anytime soon. Actually, I told dh that if we do end up going to Germany at the end of this summer, I don't even plan on traveling near where she lives. Heck, if I have to pay for a hotel room anyway WHY would I go and visit HER? I plan on sticking to that too. As far as I'm concerned she doesn't even need to know that we are coming.

      DH called his mom when we found out about the tumor, but before we had all of the diagnosing done. It was about 3am her time and in response to our 'news' she said:

      "Did you get the package that I mailed to you?"
      "Mom, did you hear what I just told you," dh said.
      "Yes..but I mailed it 3 weeks should have already arrived."
      He tried to impress upon her the importance of what he was telling her, but she didn't seem to understand. Then when he asked her to come back (GOD FORBID) to help us, she said that she couldn't because she had 'pulled something' in her back.

      First of all...I wouldn't actually have permitted her to come because I don't want or need the aggravation and my very last concern is whether o r not the shoes in my closet have all been cleaned. But I was hurt for Thomas because I felt that he was asking her for support and she was rejecting him.

      After that, we pretty much haven't heard from her unless Thomas calls HER. I had chemo on her birthday and so he didn't call her...and that netted a phone call from her in return. "What's going on?"
      Thomas apologized for missing her birthday but explained about how busy we are with the treatments and appointments.

      She just launched into a "WHAT were you two thinking?" lecture. "How on EARTH are you going to manage this? Kris will have a premature baby and 4 other children to care for and will be getting radiation...she will never be able to manage...I just can't beLIEVE you guys are doing this."

      Thomas told her "Mom, we didn't plan for Kris to get cancer" Shocked

      She never once offered her support to him or asked if that would be a good time for her return visit. If she actually thinks she'll be coming here twice a year again she is sooooo wrong. The day she steps foot in my house again is the day that I drive to TX to my mom and don't come back.

      And just FYI...I most certainly WILL handle it....

      She has not spoken with me once since my diagnosis ... even her best friend, whom she brought with her for the visit in October, called me to talk to me on Christmas Eve...She has never acknowledged this in any way to me....and it really is hurtful. Thomas makes excuses for her "Well, her church IS praying for's just not her nature to reach out."

      He is so much more alone in dealing with this than I am. I have my wonderful friends from the iMSN and my mom calls me every day and my dad calls me almost every day. My mom has come out and dad and his wife came up and helped...My son's teacher has been a big help too. I know that I do not have to shoulder this burden by myself.

      He, on the other hand, has really no one outside of me to talk to...It's hard for me to pump him up or defend his mom to him when he is feeling down. I can't imagine ever abandoning any of my children like that...
      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #48
        February 24, 2006

        Puberty has entered into our home in full fource!

        Yesterday, Andrew's (age 11) class went to see the 7th and 8th grade production of 'Alladin'. He had been really looking forward to it. I picked him up from school and asked him how the show was.

        "It was sooo HOT, mom!"

        Hot? Alladin was hot? Hmmmm....He had a friend in the car with him and they immediately turned to each other and began whispering. I strained to hear but couldn't figure out what was so exciting.

        After dropping his friend off, I asked again about Alladin..."So tell me all about it!"

        "Mom, you could SEE right through the girls could see their BRAS! And one of the girls...her skirt was so short that you could see her panties. It was so awesome!"

        Shocked thud

        Is this my little angel...the baby that I nursed for a year...whose diapers I changed...and who up until recently has been a quiet, shy little boy? It can't possibly be.

        Of course, I was completely dumbfounded by this news and didn't manage to say any of the things that I thought I would once this time arrived. I stuttered out something and was interrupted by

        "Oh,'s normal for guys to be attracted to girls. I'm just going through puberty. It's nothing to get excited about. Everyone goes through it."

        I can't believe how grown-up he's getting...and I can't believe how inept I feel to deal with these new issues! Puberty? Girls? I'm not ready! Laughing

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #49
          March 01, 2006

          blech...bad day.

          Chemo side effects this time around...a startling shortness of breath I have to go in for an echo.


          26 week u/sound of baby showing my placenta is a Grade 2 instead of a Grade 0 due to calcifications. This is likely being caused by chemo....what this will mean is anyone's guess, I suppose...but the placenta is maturing too quickly....not good.

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #50
            March 04, 2006

            Aaaaah, Saturday! It's so nice not to have to get up early and get the kids out-the-door for school! Yesterday, when the alarm went off, I was so tired that I just turned it off and decided to let the kids stay home. Shocked Within 5 minutes, Alex (7) came into the room and said "Mom, aren't you going to wake me up for school? Laughing It's a good thing I have my kids to keep me in line! I'm glad though that we have turned the corner on the going to school thing. He seems to really enjoy school again and all of his friends are just so funny. A few weeks ago at lunch, one of the boys was playing me a song by...making farting sounds from his underarms. Laughing I have to admit that I sat and listened politely...and was kind of amused. The lunchlady wasn't though and she came and put a stop to it. When she left, the little boy turned to me and told me that this summer he had entered a contest and won "for burping out the alphabet song". Laughing

            Alex looks so grown up since he turned 7...when my mom told him this, he said "No I don't. I'm little..I'm NOT growing up". He still wants to be the little baby! Maybe that's why he still insists on having me come to school each day for lunch?

            This has been a fun week. My mom was here visiting until Friday and we pretty much sat around and laughed in our pajamas until noon. The house stayed in disaray, but we had a good time.

            Amanda (almost 10) developed her first pimple...a serious "I am here, look at me" pimple that pretty much was just leaping off of her face. We ended up even taking a picture of it because it was so impressive! She used some of my cover up to try and mask it and so she pretty much walked around all week with a huge cover-up spot on her nose that attempted to disguise a huge red zit. Poor Amanda! Thankfully for all of us, it's almost gone now! I'm so NOT ready for pubert to hit this house!

            On a side note, I ran into her teacher yesterday at the elementary school when I was having lunch with Alex. She told me to "bring Amanda" with to conferences next week. Hmmmm. OK...I asked her what was up and she told me "I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell you some things that will make you want to cry".


            So...I asked for a preview. Basically, she didnt' tell me anything that I don't already know. My daughter is Lazy...lazy, lazy, lazy. She told me that Amanda is an avid reader and absorbs everything she reads...all of her reading comprehension tests (and they take many each week) are spot on...BUT that she doesn' try in any other classes...she is too busy socializing, and sneaking her books under her desk to keep reading. Rolling Eyes

            The last science test that Amanda brought home was an A+ and we were all so thrilled that we hung it on the refrigerator....then, when I was cleaning up her room the other day, I found 3 more recent tests wadded up...all D's. D. My 4th grader is making Ds in science. The thing is..I don't know how she could have possibly gotten a D. The questions were matching and they were sooo obvious. It was as if she hadn't even read the questions or something. I showed the tests to Thomas and his eyes practically jumped out of his head...."is she...stupid?". We both sat there and pondered the question for a second before I jumped into defensive mommy mode and tried to cover up with a "how can you say that about your daughter" kind of a thing.

            It turns out that when Amanda takes a math test, she gets an A..and when she turns in her homework assignments, she often gets a C or lower...because the teacher says she doesn't follow directions. The assignment might be "do problems 1-10 in set A, problems 12-20 in set B" etc....and her eyes will jump around and she'll end up mixing in problems from both set A and set B in each problem set. She does them properly, but they are the wrong problems. Again, I was told that she just rushes through her work so that she can draw, read or socialize.

            Basically, the teacher wants to have Amanda come in so that she can 1. tell her what is good about her and then 2. tell her she is working below her potential and that she is lazy.

            Did I already say 'Fabulous'! Rolling Eyes I believe in embracing our children where they are at in their lives...but lately, my 'embrace' of Amanda looks more like me ringing her neck than anything else Laughing

            The best thing this week has been Aidan's potty-train-a-thon. This has been the easiest potty training I've ever been through. If I'm completely honest, my little guy who just turned 7 can still have an..accident... Embarassed once in awhile when he gets too busy playing and doesn't want to take a break. He is of course devastated when it happens, still happens from time-to-time.

            Aidan (2) just decided he was done with diapers and now he is. We only had one accident all week in his big boy pants and it shocked him so much to get wet that he cried inconsolably. He is so in touch with all of his little bodily functions and cracked us up all week with his announcements of "I farted, I go potty" etc.

            Last night, he was already in his diaper (I'm not even going to try it with 'big boy pants' in the bed unless...he sleeps on Thomas' side meanie ) and he turned to Thomas and said "I go potty" Thomas went in and took him and ....he went. It's amazing...How did we get this lucky?

            Something else that has really struck me lately is how grown-up Andrew is becoming. He's 11 and he is kind of on the cusp of adolescence....He came home from school one day last week, found me sitting on the sofa chatting with my mom, gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked me how my day was. Shocked He does things like this often. He is always asking how he can help out in the house and taking Aidan to play with him...he is becoming so grown-up and responsible. It is so exciting to watch...and so sad at the same time. We have such interesting conversations now. My little boy is growing up! I'm so proud of him.
            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #51
              March 07, 2006

              March 7, 2006

              My eyebrows look fabulous....seriously! I have always had bushy "Brooke-Shieldsy"(without the manicured look and great body, of course Laughing ) eyebrows...and over the years, my mom and some of my friends have politely suggested that I pluck them.

              They have thinned out so beautifully! I know it seems like something silly to get excited about, but I never thought my eyebrows could....look so good! Laughing I need to take a picture so that when all of this is done I can fix them like this again! Mr. Green

              I'm finally feeling better again too...though I have to admit being really tired. I can't figure out how much is pregnancy and how much is the after-effects of the chemo. I laid down with Aidan yesterday to watch Monster AG (Monsters Inc) and I slept soundly while he laid next to me watching. (Thank goodness there were no pens/crayons laying around!). Then, when Amanda and Alex got home at 2.45, I just couldn't get out of bed. Amanda took Aidan while I kept saying "5 more minutes". I had to get her to her geography lesson at the Montessori school by 3.30 and we ended up being 10 minutes late because I just couldn't get up. Part of the problem is that I simply can't sleep at night...the prednisone doesn't help, but baby dancing on my bladder is my biggest obstacle! Mr. Green I'd rather have her dancing away gives me Confused

              I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster some days...feeling hopeful about everything one minute and then hit by the gravity of it all the next. For the most part, I feel sure that everything is going to be fine. I even believe that we're going to get much farther with the pregnancy than my OB thinks. I just have this "feeling" that Zoe is going to be fine lately. At the same time, I am overcome with periods of sadness that seem to come out of the blue. I'm driving to pick up one of the kids or to an u/sound or to take Aidan to the toddler play area and suddenly I'm sobbing....It's weird.

              My brother-in-law has been emailing Thomas lately. This is another new attempt on both of their parts to connect emotionally. In one of his last emails, he suggested that he had talked to my mil and that she *might* be willing to come...but that she was feeling too overwhelmed by our children. Rolling Eyes I wrote to Klaus (in an attempt to reconnct with him too) and then gently mentioned that though we love mil, her 'support' over the last few months has left something to be desired. I mentioned that Thomas feels badly after talking to her...that I know that she is also stressed out, but that right now Thomas needs emotional support and not criticism.

              He basically wrote me back and told me he knew exactly what I was talking about it and he'd take care of it without her knowing that I'd said anything...since then, we've had a really nice email exchange.

              This morning, I opened up my inbox to another letter from him: He wanted to let me know that I am the best thing that ever happened to Thomas.....(well, of course meanie ) and it just made me cry.

              I'm happy that we are all starting to connect again...I'm sad that this is happening...I'm hopeful that this will all turn out fine and that I'll become a stronger/better person for the experience...but...I wish it were behind me already. Some days I feel like I sit at home kind of counting the hours until the next day starts....only x more days until I'm 28 weeks kind of thinking.

              Well, I'm off to the toddler play area!

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #52
                March 8, 2006

                Three years ago, we had our family picture taken when we went to pick out our Christmas tree. It was bitter cold, and the breath of the person taking our picture actually..whited me right out of it. The entire family was there (with little Aidan in his car seat) but my face was covered by a fog of white smoke. The picture still gives me the chills. I thought it was a bad omen.

                I wondered if it meant that I wouldn't be there next Christmas Rolling Eyes...and the next year, when our pictures came out great, I couldn't help but reflect on my bad feeling the year before! "See, I'm still was nothing more than a feeling" I said to myself.

                Last year, as I approached the ripe old age of...35...I had that 'bad feeling' again. It helped me to realize that I'd had plenty of those 'bad omen' type feelings before and it had always been nothing...I got hooked on the song "Live like you were dying" .... I had the CD on auto-repeat in my car and listened non-stop. I told Thomas that I was worried that something was terribly wrong with me. He helped calmed my fears..."you're just a're fine!". I guess he forgot the first rule of medicine...crazy people can get sick too meanie

                Everything really seemed to fall into place for us though...we sold our house, went on vacation, got pregnant, moved into the new house...all of the pieces of our life seemed to be fitting together and I got that ... uncomfortable feeling again.

                I tried to put my bad feelings aside. I distinctly remember thinking about how scarey it was to not know what the future long I had on this earth, if I would become ill and from what. I contemplated a lot of 'big' questions and then finally put it all to rest. I decided that I couldn't control the future and that I was letting my worry about what *might* happen eat up the present.

                Then this train hit us. The irony doesn't escape me. I finally decided that I was going to live until I was 100, that I was ruining my life worrying about whether or not something was going to happen to me and that I was just going to LET it GO....and when I finally did...I got sick.


                It makes me wonder how I will manage the uncertainty that is sure to come with the next several years of my life. I think I've gotten past the whole shell-shocked new diagnosis phase...moved through the grieve about it phase...and now I'm wondering how to make life 'normal' again.

                I'm a worrier by nature...I am having difficulty waiting for my March 14th MRI...I can't help but be riddled by "what if" thoughts despite having seen several x-rays that all showed that the tumor is now a shadow of itself. I know the treatment is working, and yet...what in the back of my mind.

                Then there is the radiation. Radiation to the chest can result in secondary cancers like leukemia. It's uncommon, but possible. Then there are two years of 2-3 month oncology appts for CT's, MRIs or x-rays.....that is a lot of uncertainty for this neurotic nut case to deal with.

                I wonder if people who go through these experiences ever really feel 'safe' in their own bodies again?
                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #53
                  March 13, 2006

                  I had an u/sound biophysical profile done this morning now that we've finally reached 28 weeks. Unfortunately, the amniotic fluid is way down (6.2 Normal is 10-11 and I guess 5 is 'deliver'). I've been admitted to the OB floor for a minimum of 48 hours. If by some "miracle" (not my words) the amniotic fluid goes up...I'll go home. Otherwise, we'll try and wait until at least Friday to hit 29 weeks...if not longer to take baby.


                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #54
                    March 13, 2006

                    It's been a long day. I have a slow internet connection so I am going to try and update things. I don't know where we're heading with everything, but I've managed to convince myself that the u/sound today was simply wrong. I think that she just made a mistake. I know that sounds like denial, but at this point I've heard so much bad news folowed by "ooops, things don't look so bad" that I really, really believe that tomorrow morning we'll be having a "look there is a normal amount of fluid"'s possible, isn't it? Maybe there were pockets behind the baby that they just couldn't pick up on?

                    In the meantime, I've been given a steroid injection to mature baby's lungs. They'll give me the second one at 2am. [Roll Eyes] DH thinks I'm not coming home until baby is here...I think I'm going home tomorrow. We'll see who's right.

                    In the meantime, I'm having horrible pre-scan anxiety. I have my mri tomorrow morning to have the first really good peak at the tumor. As the days have approached, I've noticed myself more short of breath (duh...I'm also pregnant) and I've convinced myself that even thought we've seen x-rays of that bad boy just melting away...that tomorrow they will discover that it is still active...that the treatment has stopped working.

                    It's irrational. I'm sure things will be fine...they will probably tell me it's gone...and yet I'm so panicked that I've had trouble sleeping or thinking straight. I don't feel like I can allow myself to be vulnerable and so I've spent the day laughing and joking with dh, nursing staff, my mom etc...."It's going to be fine...things could be much worse"...the reality though is that I wish I could just fall into someone's arms and be comforted for a few minutes. I would be embarassed to cry...embarassed to be exposed as not being as strong as they all think that I am. I always hear how well I handle all of this stress and bad news..the truth though is that I'm just afraid to slow down...afraid to stop or be vulnerable or scared because I'm afraid if I do...then...I will lose this battle. I can cry about all of this when it is over...
                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #55
                      March 14, 2006

                      The rollercoaster continues Rolling Eyes We did a biophysical profile today and the amniotic fluid was up to 9...still a little under where she wants it to be, but it's much improved. The power of bedrest, I guess!

                      The steroids did cause my sugars to go up quite a bit...above 240 and so now my endocrinologist gets the last laugh. Mr. Green She came in to see me and asked me how my sugars are at home.

                      "ummm, I...have been a bit complacent about measuring them"

                      "Sooo..complacent means...not 7 times a day but..what...5?"

                      "ummm...yes (averting her eyes) maybe 5..or..4..or something sort of like that"

                      "mmmhmmmm" (I hear her making a mental note that I haven't been checking my blood sugars) She was good natured about it all.

                      In any I've got forced compliance and...insulin. yippee Rolling Eyes

                      The mri also went ok. It was hard for me w/o dh there because it is open at the back and he is usually able to talk to me from the head...that way I have the illusion that it is really an open mri even though it isn't. If I moved too much, I could feel the sides..and when I moved my finger once I could feel the top ... I had to work really hard to keep myself from freaking out. I am a bit claustrophobic.

                      The results were good, but not what I was hoping for. I guess, after 4 cycles, I had expected the tumor to be gone. It is still 2.7cm at it's widest. Granted, that is quite a bit smaller than the 9 and 10cm readings we had before...but its' still bigger than I want. They also couldn't tell if the cells are active or scar tissue...another important distinction. If I do end up with remaining scar tissue, I'm at a greater risk of recurrence...but if the thing doesn't go completely into remission before radiation I don't think that's a good thing either.

                      DH was elated...."you are going to be cured"...I'm less jubilant..maybe you'd call it cautious optimism? I won't feel ok until 5 years from now.

                      The rest of the tumor is also situated between both lungs and right near my heart..that may possibly explain the occasional shortness of breath/irritation/fulness I occasionally still feel? I don't know. I'm sure my oncologist would tell me it's all just 'anxiety'..but I don't think so. I had symptoms of this tumor before it was visible on the x-ray even, and I can't help but wonder if the close proximity to the organs coupled with an immune response to get rid of it doesn't cause some inflammation or something???

                      In any case, this was definitely a good news day unlike yesterday.

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #56
                        March 18, 2006

                        My internet connection was just too slow to update!

                        I'm finally home...and...still pregnant! Mr. Green

                        My amniotic fluid went up to 9.2...then back down to 6.89...but I was allowed to be discharged on modified 'bed rest'. Interestingly, modified bedrest was defined on this sheet as being allowed to get up for the bathroom cook meals Rolling Eyes

                        I have to admit not really laying around much. The kids have been excited to have me home and it is very hard to lay down in the house with all of the activity around me...that and my dad and his wife are here. Even though they tell me to 'sit down', I'm foolishly afraid that they will think that I am lazy if I do. Rolling Eyes If anyone has any 'sit down' work they need done...please send it my way!

                        I've been warned to be prepared to be 'in and out' of the hospital until she's born and...that Monday may start a new hospital week because I have chemo at 9am. We'll see what happens.

                        In any case, we made it to 29 weeks on fabulous! They estimated her weight at 3 pounds (u/sound) and she got an 8/8 on her biophysical profile. That is all good!

                        Oh...I spoke with the oncologist about my mri results. He told me that the response was 'excellent', that my prognosis was 'excellent', and that he'd be 'shocked' if I weren't cured. He also said that the location of the remaining tumor/scar tissue could mechanically cause irritation and a feeling of shortness of breath. He added that there will always be scar tissue there and this is why doing the radiatoin will be so important.

                        I was disappointed initially with the mri because of the remaining cells. We have a friend who was recently dx with a stage 4 large b cell lymphoma and he has only a teeny spot left after only 2 treatments of CHOP-R. Before tx, his entire PET scan lit up and he had it in his bone marrow. Now it is confined to a quarter-sized region in his abdomen. I didn't understand why his response was that way and after 4 treatments, mine wasn't. My doc explained that even though they are both large B cell lympohomas, they are 'different beasts' (his is in the lymph nodes and mine is in the mediastinum/extranodal)....and that our response to the treatment was 'equally good'.

                        happy day.

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #57
                          March something....2006

                          Cycle #5 of 6 is finally behind me. I was admitted Monday night to observe baby and look for contractions...I was told that if I began having contractions they would not stop labor and would immediately deliver me. Fortunately, the cramping didn't progress and I was able to go home Tuesday afternoon.

                          Also, my amniotic fluid levels went up to normal. Apparently, the problem last week was that there wasn't a pocket that was 2cm by 2cm or something....I guess I didn't understand the levels are 'normal'...though we're on watch and wait again because of the chemo on Monday.

                          I'm due for another ultrasound in an hour and...that of course makes me a little nervous.

                          At this point though, I feel like I've been put on 'orange alert' and 'red alert' so many times that it's like the homeland security alerts...meaningless. I'll just buy myself some duct tape and maybe some cans of tuna fish for under the bed and hope for the best Laughing

                          I feel much more optimistic for baby because we'ree 30 weeks on Friday..that is good news.

                          I've also gotten some really great emails from jlynnb's husband...who is a practicing neonatologist...and they have provided both Thomas and I with some relief. Everyone here has been so supportive and I'm so grateful for that!

                          My Dad and Rose came last week a couple of days early when I had to go into the hospital...they came into the house saying "we're going to take the kids with us for spring break" but....they left two days earlier than planned saying "we have some other obligations" Laughing That works for me...Thomas and I were worried about how we would tell them that the kids couldn't go....apparently, spending so much time with the kids took care of that for us! meanie

                          I'm glad that they were able to come and help...but my house is a wreck...I'm so surprised that 3 adults (Thomas, my dad and rose) had such difficulty keeping things going. Also, the second that I got home I was sort of 'back in charge' despite supposed modified bedrest.

                          Tuesday morning it was just me getting the kids up and out the door again..despite Tylenol3 for a chemo migraine and some real exhaustion. This is really starting to make me tired....and...I always feel short of breat the week after treatment.

                          Kelly surprised me with a visit (and can I just say that I could have died of embarassment when she had to go upstairs and see how we 'really' live...I soooo thought that I was past feeling that way, but my instince today is to give the house a deep cleaning and then invite her back over Rolling Eyes Seriously...pig sty is about how I'd describe it! ). We had a nice talk and then went out to TGIF for lunch...when I got back, Aidan was napping. I sat down and worked on some cross stitch and then the little stinker woke up...he craweld up onto my back and then...he peeed all over me. Laughing

                          I went upstairs and used it as an excuse to get into the bathtub. meanie I was so tired afterwards though, that I didn't even get dressed. I laid in the bed with a towel wrapped around me and put on HGTV. DH came in and said "when are you going to put all of the laundry away. Why are you laying in bed." Rolling Eyes ummmm...ok....I explained that I was tired and he said "You are always tired" and left the room.

                          I know that this is hard on him...I know it's wearing made me feel badly. I feel like I just need to suck it up and keep going...I feel like I'm failing my family now. That's hard for me. He apologized to me later, and said that he just 'forgot'...but...I just don't buy it. He has had to pull a lot more than just his own weight lately and I think he resents it...and maybe even me.

                          We're having the mil argument again too because he's decided that SHE is going to come when I have radiation. Radiation therapy is every day for an entire month. It won't take long each time...maybe an hour total? is supposed to exhaust you, cause a bunch of icky side-effects and...well, who knows? I've decided not to read up on it because quite frankly...I don't...want to know. Ignorance is bliss and I think if I go into it without any bad expectations then I'm likely not to experience things in a negative way. At least that's my rationalization.

                          I told Thomas that HE will have to stay at home in the am with Aidan and Zoe and I'll take care of everything when I get home. He insists his mom is which I declared that I'll be getting treatment in Minneapolis and living with Kelly. I mean it!

                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #58
                            March 25, 2006

                            Alright...I'm bad...bad, bad, bad.

                            I have been really lax about taking my blood sugars as I've previously mentioned.

                            So I started back on the prednisone for 5 days on Tuesday after being discharged from the hospital again. I slept most of the afternoon/evening because of my headache etc and then Wed I realized that I couldn't find my glucose monitor. I think it got whisked away by nutrition in the hospital. It sometimes took them awhile to pick it up after I was done eating and I think I might have left it on my tray? I don't know.

                            I was afrad to tell DH because I thought he'd blow a gasket...but I finally fessed up yesterday and he got me a new one....without a single negative comment to me!

                            I went to bed at about 7.30pm (I'm so tired) and then woke up around 3.45am...ready for the day Rolling I took my fasting was...160. Ooops. I had some breakfast and an hour later, my sugar was 220 Shocked

                            Double oops.

                            So now I have a I call my endocrinologist on a Saturday and let her know? I only have one day left of prednisone and then I'm sort of...errr...assuming the sugars will go back down?

                            If I call her, she will ask me what my glucose levels have been all week. What do I say? The dog ate my glucose monitor? Here, let me give myself the big fat F in my you have any red ink I can use? I was afraid my husband would be mad? I left it in the hosptial? eeek.

                            If I feed her some bogus numbers ....again....I'll be lying and ..well, I can't really do that now.

                            I could just not call her and hope for the best when I'm off of the prednisone again next week...and maybe it will work out...but if it doesn't then I look like a big fool...

                            And then...if the sugar levels go up next time with the prednisone, I'll really...really...really be in trouble.

                            Ahhh. the tangled webs we weave. It's only 5.10am now and I feel like waking up dh now just to get his thoughts...I think I'll suppress the urge. Remind me again why I was being such a pain-in-the-butt about this whole blood sugar thing at the beginning? Truly...I'm embarassed!


                            ps...maybe I can blame Nellie for all of the yummy cookies!
                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #59
                              March 25, 2006

                              My grouchines continues.

                              Honestly...we survived residency, fellowship, two international moves and tons of 'regular' moves...but I just lately wonder if we Thomas and I can ... get through this anymore. Actually, lately, I'm wondering if I can just get through this anymore. I'm tired.

                              We have done fine until recently, but the 'novelty' of this whole cancer thing wore off a long time ago and it's gotten harder for me to function like I used to. Up until recently, I was still able to take care of things and...I had my mom or my dad/rose around to help...but the exhaustion is lasting longer as is the mental apathy I feel...sad, I know. It's just harder for me on all levels to rally myself...even though I know this next chemo is my last. I've been told to expect the tiredness to continue and that radiation can really exhaust you...also, I've been told to expect radiation to knock me down for the duration plus...another month.

                              I just am already dreading 4 weeks of radiation. I have woken up several nights worrying because of the location of the remaining tissue (between the lungs at the aortic...root?). I keep wondering what will happen if I breath during radiation if I'm supposed to be holding my breath or...ok...this is silly...if they tie you into some contraption to hold you still or if it is some claustrophobic tube structure or something. Obviously, I just need to get the first treatment over with so I know. I just keep worrying that they'll burn my lungs or my heart or my aorta or...I don't know. I know it seems ridiculous, also feels plausible.

                              Also, the self-doubts have set in about handling a newborn with whatever issues may arise in terms of prematurity, etc....I can barely get things done around here now. It was a huge effort for me to fold two loads of laundry and load the dishwasher this morning. Rolling Eyes Maybe I'm just getting lazy and I'll actually rise to the occasion....I also probably won't be able to breastfeed and so I wonder how I'm going to manage multiple night-wakenings with a newborn with a teeny tummy. Breastfeeding is so frightfully easy! The milk is there, ready, the right temp/mixture. How am I going to make bottles in the middle of the night AND get the kids out the door to school AND function with a 2 year old and a newborn during the day? I'm afraid that I'm going to fall apart...I really am. Sadly, I might be falling apart already.

                              I've never worried like this before bringing a baby home...I always experienced the newborn stage as the easiest time of of my favorite times, actually. I love nursing the baby, holding it during the day, bathing it..changing it...everything about mothering a newborn....Now...I just feel like I might be in over my head.

                              I feel tired all of the time...and then there is this blasted prednisone.
                              I woke up at 3.45am this morning and have been up since then. It's only noon, but it feels like nap time to me...except...thanks to the prednisone my eyeballs are practically glued open...though I feel exhausted.

                              Thomas just seems to not understand and he blames all of my irritibality, etc on the 'prednisone' . He doesn't see how he is contributing to the problem at all by having so little understanding. He jumps back and forth between being nice and being...well...aggressive. I know he's struggling too...and I don't blame him really. He has had to shoulder a lion's share of the responsibility over the last couple of weeks and things haven't let up much since I got home....

                              I just really don't know how much more of the stress any of us can really take anymore.

                     that we're nearing the tail end of all of this, huh?

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                              • #60
                                March 27, 2006

                                Yesterday was a beautiful pre-spring day. We went out with the kids in the backyard for nearly 2 hours....and then let them stay out in the back until after dark. Even Aidan was out there trying to keep up with all of the running around. Thomas and I started planning how we were going to plant the veggie garden this Spring and we cleaned up trash that had blown over onto our little piece of the pond.

                                This summer is going to be a lot of fun for the kids. I can't wait to get the gardens all going...and they are excited to be able to fish off of the dock and play on the swing/slide etc that we have out here.

                                Here is the view from our dock this Fall when we were getting ready to move in:

                                a view of our deck and the play area we had built under can see the slide, but underneath the deck is also a ring/trapeze thingy and a swing!

                                I got the 'all clear' this morning from my ob to head over to our local hotel with play area/pools/ for a few days. We're checking in this afternoon and the kids are really excited. I am too. It will be nice to just get away.

                                The baby is ob says the prednisone must be giving the baby the same little weight boost it's giving me. [img]images/smiles/blach.gif[/img] In any case, she said that I was measuring at about 33 weeks even though I'm only 30. We're doing another 4 quadrant amniotic fluid u/sound on Thursday and I see the perinatologist on April 4th. At that point, she wants to decide whether or not to deliver at 32 weeks before the last chemo make it to 34.....

                                Off to pack...
                                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

