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share recent AH HA successful moments

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  • share recent AH HA successful moments

    Sometimes I scare myself with how dense I can be.

    DD has refused vegetables for a while's an "issue" for us. I've tried everything and some things have worked but not without a big effort. So I spill parmesan cheese on her peas last night. She loves it and eats three portions. DUH!!!!!!! Why didn't I think of that?

    Second...I get up early 99% of the time and shower before the kids get up. DS gets up at 5:50 today and DD had a nightmare I had to deal with at I was a little tired. We get breakfast and I'm like, "what are we going to do until DD has preschool?" I get my makeup bag and throw both of them in the tub. They get a bath while I attempt to put myself together sans shower. It worked great.

    I get stuck in my routines too much. The "best" answer for some issues during the day are usually right in front of my face.

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

  • #2
    Is this an a-ha moment?

    I got tired of the "put clothes on" battle. One of my last pre-baby projects was to drop off a meal to a family at our school (they purchased via the auction, I know what was I thinking doing this in December?). I really wanted to cross this one off my list.

    DD loves being naked. She is sick and grumpy like me and just wants to hang out on the couch. I tried to bargain, ask nicely, threaten to get her to put some clothes on so I could drop off this dinner. I just put her in the car naked and went. Yup, totally totally naked! We made it home no worse for wear.

    She did mention that she was chilly which was a good chance for me to endorse putting on clothing before leaving the house. :>


    • #3
      Edited to read Annie and Nellie!!!

      Annie you crack me up!

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #4
        Originally posted by nmh
        DD loves being naked. She is sick and grumpy like me and just wants to hang out on the couch. I tried to bargain, ask nicely, threaten to get her to put some clothes on so I could drop off this dinner. I just put her in the car naked and went. Yup, totally totally naked! We made it home no worse for wear.
        You're my hero.


        • #5
          Well DS for over a year has had trouble w/ waking @ night...uggh often several times. (So many of us here can relate to the agony.) Well after the nanny split, he decided to sleep in the double bed she used to use(of course after washing the sheets comforter, pillows & blankets several times to get rid of the incense smell.) Anyway DS has slept solid every night since ; we are now in week 3!!! :=

 in short my "ah ha or duh" moment was realizing he just needed a bigger bed!! :z :z


          • #6
            Oh, oh, oh, I *finally* just had one, so I'll dredge up this old thread to celebrate.

            Instead of drilling DS with math facts, I've started having a math fact of the day. He doesn't have homework per se, but we are supposed to review math facts periodically. This creates a lot of moaning, exasperations of "mom!", and general protesting. I sort of just gave it up in the last month.

            Now that we do "math fact of the day", his knowledge of the answer serves as a sort of admission to any sort of privilege: an extra 15 minutes of awake time, etc.

            I no longer have to nag. Yay!

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Several A-ha moments:

              1) Parmesan cheese makes most things palatable

              2) If he insists on trying things- let him. Like hot sauce that we repeatedly told him he wouldn't like. Finally, put some on his meal and watched his little face turn purple. Sometimes only experience can teach. (and we now have Dude's ketchup and mommy and daddy ketchup)

              3) there are no life experiences (at age 2.75) that outweigh a strict bedtime. Sleepy dude=cranky dude= cranky parents.

              4) the only way to learn to behave in a nice restaurant is to go to one. Frequently. (he's a rock star in restaurants now) and the same behavior is expected at home meals, as well.

              5) It's never to early to learn to help.

              6) If he brings toys out from his room, he must put them away. (tends to eliminate ALL of the toys coming out from his room. I think he's figured out that it's a lot more fun to play in his room)


              PS- remember- I'm an old, tired mommy. The daddy is an old, tired daddy.


              • #8
                PS- remember- I'm an old, tired mommy.
                me too :thud:

