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She hates the carseat

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  • #31
    I haven't been able to read all of the responses but my son, since birth has gone through phases of hating the car seat to being OK. My advice is this to shall pass...I know it sucks. I hated knowing I had 20 more minutes to drive home and my kid was screaming.


    • #32
      Daegan has reflux, but not the lots-of-spit-up kind...the silent, makes him fussy after eating kind. He would kick at me when nursing, but still wanted to nurse a lot...I read that milk can soothe a painful esophagus. He also burps a lot! And had a ton of gas. And he has the hiccups a bunch...never felt them in utero. It is getting better but he's still on Prevacid....we've been able to stop the Reglan. He also didn't really like the car seat when he was smaller...but I never really put it with the reflux. But I can totally see it now! Doh! He's afraid of the dark too?? So I have to put the light on in the back seat for him, and sit back there with him if I can. If it is just me, I give him my wrap to play with....I think it's become his 'blankey' or 'lovey' or whatever people call those things. She's probably too young to have something like that, though, huh?

      You can check out for more info and to see if you think she might have it.
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #33
        Thanks, Michele. She has hiccups a lot (right now while sitting on my lap!) and spits up an hour after eating. The spitting an hour later up doesn't happen all the time but at least 1x/day. That happens even when I burp her.

        I'll talk to her doctor about it in 2 weeks. Thanks!


        • #34
          Brigham had the majority of those symptoms- he was always cranky and colicky after feeding (about 30 minutes after). I had to switch to feeding him from long feed to short frequent feeds, and then of course meds.

          I noticed that Reed was somewhat like Brigham but he was not as severe- the trick that did for Reed was doing short frequent feeds.
          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #35

            There was a very small study recently done that tested the use of pro-biotics in colicky babies and it cured 100% of the babies

            Of course they made it cleaer that it was a small study but heck it's still good news!



            • #36
              Originally posted by Sheherezade
              That' my favorite Thai dish. Apparently, it doesn't exist in Ohio.
              totally off-topic, but have you tried Lemon Grass on Lee Road in Cleveland Heights? It's a great Thai restaurant that is pretty well known (convienently located across the street from my friend's creativity place, Studio You - if you stop in, tell her I said hi). If Lemon Grass doesn't have it, there is another Thai place on the north end of Lee Road, just before you get to Cain Park (where I got engaged). It's "earthier" but might have truer Thai food.


              • #37
                Originally posted by DCJenn

                There was a very small study recently done that tested the use of pro-biotics in colicky babies and it cured 100% of the babies

                Of course they made it cleaer that it was a small study but heck it's still good news!

                This going to sound like a really stupid question, and my brain is in slow mode today (have the preggo slugs today)- rainy weather added doesn't help.

                Anyway what are pro-biotics? :huh:
                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #38
                  It is the active cultures in yogurt, right?


                  • #39
                    That's what I thought it might have been after I posted. Like I said I am on the slooooow side today. Maybe I need a long nap.
                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #40
                      Yogurt, kefir, etc.

                      It's ok, it's a slowbrain day everywhere.



                      • #41
                        Jenn, was it that mom consumed it or it was fed to the baby?

                        I recall some study about eating yogurt during pregnancy or while breastfeeding and allergies....or something...or I probably just shouldn't say because I don't really remember.


                        • #42
                          It was given to the baby. I assume I heard the same report Jenn did - on NPR.


                          • #43
                            Jenn P......totally off topic reply..... we've tried Lemon Grass but I couldn't find a Green Papaya Salad. I'll have to try the other one you mentioned. There's a new one in Hudson, too. (No papaya on the menu on line.) I'm clearly a bit obsessed with this particular dish.

                            Probiotics, huh? Good idea! (This has been a token on topic comment.)
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #44
                              Jenn P- of course I heard it on NPR. (how sad is it that Nikolai knows all of the music to all of the shows on NPR...)

                              Other than the college radio station in town, there's nothing else that isn't owned by Big Radio.

                              and back to the topic...yes, they were fed the probiotics. Nikolai LOVES vanilla kefir, btw, but it's hard to find without HFCS. One manufacturer uses cane sugar as a sweetener.



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DCJenn
                                Jenn P- of course I heard it on NPR. (how sad is it that Nikolai knows all of the music to all of the shows on NPR...)
                                He and Quinn could do a duet. Quinn likes to sing the theme to "All Things Considered". It's really cute (if I do say so myself).

                                Pro-biotics, huh?

