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  • Slings/Carriers

    So while we're on the baby gear topic - can you all give me more information/advice on the carriers/slings?

    I know Michele had mentioned finding the nine in nine out group - but I checked and there isn't one in Rochester, only one in Minneapolis which I'm not sure I'd make it to.

    So, if you've used carriers or slings...
    - what kind did you use?
    - what kind did you try and not like?
    - what is your size?
    - why did you stick with the one you use regularly?
    - how often do you need a new one (i.e. how often do they grow out of them?)

    I'm 5'2", about 125 pounds pre baby weight (would like to get back to 115) and I'll be the first to admit my back muscles are not as strong as they should be and my posture is terrible.

    Thanks gang, like I told Flynn there are tons of "experts" out there but how many of them have actually used the products they speak of??
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2

    You sound like you're about my size. When DS was first born, I used the heck out of our Baby Bjorn. Loved it. I wore him in it to the store, to do chores around the house, to cook dinner, etc. Once he got to be about ... maybe 5-6 months old (?) he got too heavy and the weight put a terrible strain on my back and shoulders. That's when I switched to a pouch sling, I ordered mine from here upon recommendation from a friend of mine. I loved this sling, too. I used it the same way I did the Bjorn, and he seemed to like being in it. I used that until he was maybe ... 10-11 months old (I can't remember exactly!!) and he just didn't want to be confined like that anymore - he wanted to crawl and GO!

    Those are the only two I've tried, and I really liked them both. For the next baby I might try an Ergo, I like the idea of being able to wear baby on my back sometimes.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      We're about the same size. I'm a few inches taller.

      I could have written Jane's post about the Baby Bjorn. You know TenE was a fussy babe and I had her in there ALL the time. It worked pretty well for us but I had to be careful about how the straps were adjusted and needed to think about my posture. When the square in the back (where the straps cross) snuck up too high, it would really bother my back. So, I'd make sure that was between my shoulder blades and that the straps were snug.

      She got too heavy for me to carry in the BB around 5 months. I am now using the Ergo. Oh...I used a sling in between. I know some people love them but it just didn't work for me to carry the weight on one shoulder. A friend of mine used to have a small sling business and she helped me fit it, etc so I was using it right and it still didn't work for me. Like I said, some people adore them.

      The Ergo is great. I prefer it for a back carry versus front but I need help getting her on my back and so far that help isn't available. I love that the weight is distributed around my hips with the hip strap. This works really well for me and reduces strain on my shoulders. I like the look of a babyhawk wrap and want to get one but I've got the Ergo and an external frame pack and strollers...and I just can't justify it.

      ETA: Just as important, she likes the Baby Bjorn and Ergo too and starts to calm down or smile when she sees me put it on.


      • #4
        I am 5'5" and average/athletic build.

        I had a Moby wrap. It didn't work that well for us. There was a learning curve learning to tie it, and the baby would get worked up while I tied it and fight being put in. Sounds though like some in-person help like from a NINO meeting or sling vendor might help? Maybe someone at LLL is sling-savvy? He did enjoy it once or twice as a newborn, and I know tons of people who swear by them especially for tiny babes.

        I made a ring sling, which I used once or twice when he was new but that I've really resurrected since he has had good head control and can sit in a hip carry. It's perfect for doing stuff around the house.

        I bought a WAHM-made mei tai carrier and it has been awesome -- completely changed my world when it arrived when the boy was 3 weeks old. Starting that day I could run errands by strapping him on and going and I have never felt confined to the house. I think padded straps seem to be key, and an infant headrest might have been helpful but mine doesn't have one. It does have a pocket, which has been handy occasionally, and it's reversible to a solid brown color that DH doesn't mind wearing. He's now about 19 lbs and still comfy front or back -- a bit comfier on my back.

        When he was about 6 months we got an REI frame backpack. It's fairly comfy and useful for long hikes where we want to pop him in and out frequently.


        • #5
          Cheri -- you've met me so you know my "build."

          I liked the Bjorn. My SIL loves the sling. I can ask her what brand she has if you want. Just PM me.

          My kids were almost 10 pounds when they were born so the Bjorn felt very heavy, very soon in the process but it's a life saver if you have to have both hands free for a short period of time.

          My kids were over the 15 pound mark pretty quick so I'd say that's a nice weight to look for alternative carriers!

          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


          • #6
            I agree, Flynn -- around 15 pounds was when she started to feel too heavy for the Bjorn for extended periods.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cupcake
              I agree, Flynn -- around 15 pounds was when she started to feel too heavy for the Bjorn for extended periods.
              Can I just add my kids are "normal" sized kids. They were just big when they entered the world.

              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


              • #8

                They were normal size when I saw them! And cute. One nice thing about the higher birthweight is that they can go right into the bjorn. My first two couldn't do that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cupcake

                  They were normal size when I saw them! And cute. One nice thing about the higher birthweight is that they can go right into the bjorn. My first two couldn't do that.
                  I completely have blocked our meeting out of my brain Nellie!!!!!

                  I remember being up with DS three times that night so I was a little glazed when we met unfortunately. DS was less than a month old. WOW that seems like two lifetimes ago!!!

                  I remember your oldest girl being quite the "looker" for such a young girl. I could stare at her eyes (and curls) all day long! DD #2 was in a carrier of some sort and I didn't get a good look at her!

                  Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                  “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                  • #10
                    She was in the same Bjorn we are talking about!


                    • #11
                      I did not use a sling w/the first two, but intend to try it out this time. My sling-loving friend just called to tell me Target is now carrying a fun line of them. She said they look like very good quality. I like that idea just 'cause I can stand there and try them on and return it to the store if it doesn't work out (rather than dealing w/shipping).

                      If you go w/a bjorn just make sure you don't skimp b/c of cost. The cheap ones are IMPOSSIBLE to get the kid back out of. IMPOSSIBLE. It's like going through the birth canal again, and you can't do it w/o waking them -- totally counterproductive.


                      • #12
                        So, if you've used carriers or slings...
                        - what kind did you use?
                        - what kind did you try and not like?
                        - what is your size?
                        - why did you stick with the one you use regularly?
                        - how often do you need a new one (i.e. how often do they grow out of them?)

                        I've used a Hotslings pouch, a homemade ringsling, an Ellaroo meitai (and my homemade one), an Ergo, and two brands of German-style woven wraps.

                        I've also read a lot about babywearing since I'm a group leader.

                        I prefer wrappin'. I like my Inka Storchenwiege wrap the most! I use long wraps and two-shouldered carries pretty much exclusively. I find the wrap to distribute the weight across my back and shoulders and waist more evenly than the other carriers. I have used the same wrap since he came home from the hospital and plan to until he no longer tolerates it.

                        A Moby wrap is stretchy and really only good for newborns...the woven wraps are a little harder to learn (so they say) but can support even the heaviest of toddlers.

                        I'm about 5'6" and 140ish pounds (and rather large breasted) and I use a size 3 Hotsling and a 4.5 meter wrap. A 2 yard ringsling is enough for me to have a flow-y tail.

                        I think a meitai is a good combination of comfy versatile carrier and user-friendliness. The learning curve is less than a wrap, but it still offers front, back and hip carries from newborn to toddler. An Ergo is basically a meitai on steroids with buckles instead of ties.

                        Daegan, like TenE, gets excited when he sees me pull out the wraps (or any carrier). After I made the meitai, I tried it on without him and then went to put it away and he fussed and crawled toward it until I got it out and put him in it!

                        And don't worry about your back and posture. If you start wearing from birth, your muscles will strengthen as the baby grows.

                        I know I've mentioned the BabyWearer forum before, but I'll post the link again in case someone else finds this thread later on:


                        and NINO

                        Both places are good resources for learning about the different carriers and have links to videos and verbal descriptions of how to use them and the different positions. [/b]
                        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                        • #13
                          I can't speak of slings, but DD#3 loves the Baby Bjorn. I am taller and it does get uncomfortable after an hour or so. She is 19lbs now, but I don't use it that much anymore since she is 9 months.

                          I used a cheaper carrier with my first two and hated it.


                          • #14
                            See, you guys are a much better resource!

                            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                            • #15
                              Perhaps we should split into a "prenatal care" forum for these kinds of topics. Not as though these topics bug anyone else (I don't think they do) but so that it's more easily searchable for the next new parent.

                              What do you think??

