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  • #16
    you might want to check out and see if there is a API (attachment parenting international) group near you. I know the one here have a sling libary where you can go along and check out all the slings and when the baby arrives you can borrow them for a few weeks to see if you like before you buy.


    • #17
      Re: Slings/Carriers

      Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine

      So, if you've used carriers or slings...
      - what kind did you use?
      - what kind did you try and not like?
      - what is your size?
      - why did you stick with the one you use regularly?
      - how often do you need a new one (i.e. how often do they grow out of them?)
      Hi! I'm new to posting here (I just reintroduced myself on the introduction forum) and I'm a member of too.

      I'm 5'2'', 155lbs and I'll answer your questions based on my experience of babywearing for the last four months (DD is almost 6 months).

      What kind did you use? Tried the Bjorn, Hotsling, Close2Me Mama wrap, Beco (, Yamo, Ergo, Connecta, AngelPack LX (, and BabyHawk. I like the Beco, Yamo, and Connecta (the last two are not sold in N. America but you can get them used on thebabywearer For Sale or Trade board).

      What kind did you try and not like? Well, I liked the Bjorn until I found there were better options. I did not like the Hotsling, Ergo, or BabyHawk.

      Why did I stick with the one(s) I use regularly? Because they are easy, convenient, and I can still get stuff done when DH isn't here, which is most of the time!

      How often do you need a new one? The ones I have go up to about 40lbs, so the only reason I need new ones is because this is my new hobby and I love getting new carriers with new prints!


      • #18
        - pouch sling (from, Baby Bjorn, Babyhawk, one my mom made and used with me as a baby (mainly for newborn stage)

        -She fit in my pouch sling until about 5 months and then I used it for hip carries. I started using my Babyhawk more at the point. It was really comfy and did not hurt my shoulders like the Bjorn did. She got too heavy for the Bjorn pretty quickly (and she has always been in the 10th percentile!)

        -5'4 and little I lost the pregnancy weight, my pouch no longer fit..I ended up taking it apart and shortening it and it worked better then.

        -Alas, my walking one year old does not want to be worn these days. However, when she is teething or having a hard time laying down in her crib for a nap, she will snuggle down into my Babyhawk and go to sleep. It is still very comfy.

        Whenever I have another baby, I would like to try a hotsling and also a wrap.


        • #19
          Can I gate crash and ask the baby-wearers if any of you have used the mei tai slings? and if they are anygood/worth buying?


          • #20
            Here was my response, buried up in the thread:

            I bought a WAHM-made mei tai carrier and it has been awesome -- completely changed my world when it arrived when the boy was 3 weeks old. Starting that day I could run errands by strapping him on and going and I have never felt confined to the house. I think padded straps seem to be key, and an infant headrest might have been helpful but mine doesn't have one. It does have a pocket, which has been handy occasionally, and it's reversible to a solid brown color that DH doesn't mind wearing. He's now about 19 lbs and still comfy front or back -- a bit comfier on my back.
            I think I would recommend a mei tai to just about anybody. Next baby I might choose a pouch sling in addition, so that I can pop baby in and out and/or nurse discreetly, but man I love my mei tai.

            You might want to browse around for some reviews, as it's my understanding that mei tai quality and functionality can vary quite a bit by maker.

            Oh, and based on my experience and conversations with friends, get a carrier with dark-colored straps. It's almost impossible to get it on without dragging the long straps on the ground a little, and lighter colors will show that dirt immediately and permanently!


            • #21
              Thanks Alison!


              • #22
                Originally posted by spotty_dog
                Oh, and based on my experience and conversations with friends, get a carrier with dark-colored straps. It's almost impossible to get it on without dragging the long straps on the ground a little, and lighter colors will show that dirt immediately and permanently!
                I would advise to get straps that are similar to any of your pets fur . Black straps do not work with our golden retriever! I prefer brown/khaki.

