DS a few months ago, DS was sent to his room, for being uber naughty!!
The previous owners' child would sleep walk , so the locking knob is on the outside of the door. DS kept coming out of his room & trying to play in the girls' room. I scolded and sent him back in. Well he did it again, so that time I just locked it from the outside! I heard him pitching a fit , but I didn't care, I figured he would wear himself down. When it was time to let him out, I went up and the little heathen had tried to over turn his train table. He caused the brackets to pop off thus stripping the srew holes. So today, after months of begging, I finally repaired it. It took almost 2 hours. I called Dh , he was taking care of a few things @ the office . I told him I deserved the mommy of the year award for repairing it! Well I obviously cursed myself!

DS couldn't stop hugging & kissing me in thanks! I told him & the rest of the little yahoos to never ever sit or stand on it! When I departed they were gathering the track pieces for daddy to do that part!
Well I heard a crash & he came down screaming DD2 stood on the table & broke it

I am soo over my kids today!
