...or "Non-specific Diarrhea of Childhood" Anyone heard of it? After 1 month of continuous diarrhea
from my son (22 months) which has persisted despite numerous dietary modifications (no milk, no sugar, no fruit, no juice), I am at my wits end. The good part is that he is acting like his usual self, and the diarrhea doesn't seem to be causing him any discomfort, BUT as one might expect the constant pooping is causing a NASTY (as in open sores bleeding at times) diaper rash. Currently, we have an antibiotic ointment we are using covered with a thick barrier cream (we've sampled every kind we can find).
Diaper changing time is like a WWF match in which I have invented my own move "The momma take-down" in which I buckle his feet under my armpit and quickly smear as much ointmet/cream on his butt as possible (this of course is following the record-breaking cleaning of the butt). AARRGGHH.
The pediatrician has NO explanation for this and we've tested the poop (all ok). Nobody in my house, or daycare, or the sitter's has been sick, so I think it is a disorder within him. I have done some research (because as a nurse and mother I must of course make my own diagnosis and treatement regimen
). I have diagnosed him with "toddler diarrhea" which basically consists of diarrhea of unknown etiology that does not cause discomfort, and usually goes away by age 4.
Anyone experience this?
Anyone have any similar situations?
Anyone have a diaper rash solution?
I AM SICK OF POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diaper changing time is like a WWF match in which I have invented my own move "The momma take-down" in which I buckle his feet under my armpit and quickly smear as much ointmet/cream on his butt as possible (this of course is following the record-breaking cleaning of the butt). AARRGGHH.
The pediatrician has NO explanation for this and we've tested the poop (all ok). Nobody in my house, or daycare, or the sitter's has been sick, so I think it is a disorder within him. I have done some research (because as a nurse and mother I must of course make my own diagnosis and treatement regimen

Anyone experience this?
Anyone have any similar situations?
Anyone have a diaper rash solution?
I AM SICK OF POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
