So I was eating lunch in a new whole foods-ish (earth fare, heidi has one) grocery store that just opened with three friends and five kids. I had gone shopping beforehand so I brought my cart which had the little car attached into the cafe. DD 2 (18m) was sitting in the car part which is low to the ground playing with salt and pepper shakers and then crawling out into my lap during lunch. This 75 year old lady came up to me after a while and said "I cannot believe you have the nerve to bring your shopping cart in here loaded with groceries and be completely oblivious to your child holding a pepper shaker. You have no idea what is going on with her, you completely ignored her safety and you are completely oblivious to everyone else in this store whose lunches were ruined by you. You have ruined my lunch and ruined my day". I was so shocked that I said, I am so sorry, I had no idea... and she said " Of course you dont, you are oblivious to the world and everything around you". Then she walked over to an employee and pointed at me and shook her hands in the air and complained to him, then went to the manager, brought him to the area and again pointed and ranted and raved.
Now I am the mom of two young kids who do misbehave, and this was not one of those days. There was no crying, no wandering around, there was no food on the floor, no loud noise. These people were sitting about three tables away. My friend sitting next to me is a pediatrician who didn't think anything was dangerous. I was so shocked and embarrassed bc pretty much the entire restaurant heard. And I wondered how I could just be enjoying myself while at the same time causing someone else to be so distraught over something I had no idea I was doing.
When I left, I cried in my car for a good half hour. Why? I have no idea why I would let someone bother me so much.
When I got home, one of the girls I was with called and said the manager came over to our table and apologized and asked for my address to send me an apology for my bad experience. She swears the manager came up to them, not the other way around. At least that was somewhat vindicating.
But man, public humiliation is not my bag.
Now I am the mom of two young kids who do misbehave, and this was not one of those days. There was no crying, no wandering around, there was no food on the floor, no loud noise. These people were sitting about three tables away. My friend sitting next to me is a pediatrician who didn't think anything was dangerous. I was so shocked and embarrassed bc pretty much the entire restaurant heard. And I wondered how I could just be enjoying myself while at the same time causing someone else to be so distraught over something I had no idea I was doing.
When I left, I cried in my car for a good half hour. Why? I have no idea why I would let someone bother me so much.
When I got home, one of the girls I was with called and said the manager came over to our table and apologized and asked for my address to send me an apology for my bad experience. She swears the manager came up to them, not the other way around. At least that was somewhat vindicating.
But man, public humiliation is not my bag.