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how many kids to have?

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  • #31
    Re: how many kids to have?

    I didn't mean to take the fun out of this thread. You all know me well enough that when I say that, I mean it!

    I would love to be able to say I want this and this many children, but it's just not in my reality right now. :huh:

    I'm not saying that infertility is a question right now (it hasn't even been long enough to consider it really), but I am saying, I didn't realize AT ALL that you can pull the goalie and still not have a single 11-meter kick go in!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #32
      Re: how many kids to have?

      Then, first shot out of the gun. Pregnant. I'm not kidding. Unfortunately, I miscarried, but we tried again shortly there after and, bam, first shot out of the gun. Then we when starting trying for our current guessed it: first shot out of the gun. So much for medical science and my projected infertility. I am apparently the human equivalent of the Nile River Valley.
      So I think our fates got switched! I ovulated every month, and all tests were totally normal. :huh: Glad to hear the universe evened things out one way or another.


      • #33
        Re: how many kids to have?

        Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
        I am apparently the human equivalent of the Nile River Valley.
        Sorry I had to laugh at this. When I went in for my 8 wk check up, the OB looked me straight in the eye and said that she calculated that we got pregnant exactly 5 days after she removed the IUD, then burst out laughing.


        • #34
          Re: how many kids to have?

          For who knows whatever reason, we tried for 10 months to get pg with the twins. DH was getting pretty nervous. It all worked out, but I hated trying to get pg and not... It was a very frustrating time. All the others were truly surprises...

          I'm mostly happy with the spacing in our family, mostly... We do worry about paying for college, etc., etc... We'll have 3 in college for only 1 year, though, so our spacing will perhaps work out for us... And hopefully we'll get these kids to go the state school route rather than private-- or perhaps Westpoint!

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #35
            Re: how many kids to have?

            We'll have 3 in college for only 1 year, though, so our spacing will perhaps work out for us...
            OMG, I didn't even think about this. Even with four kids, I don't think my parents ever had two in college at the same time. And then the weddings...

            I miscarried. Then it took 15 mos to get pregnant again.
            I actually got pregnant right away - twice - and miscarried very early both times. It never happened again, but I've always wondered if that trained my body to reject blastocysts or something. I'll never know.

            But having those periods of prolonged trying DOES make you think twice about waiting for the next one...

            Life did get much easier when ds1 got to about 3 1/2. I heard someone say once that life gets easier when your youngest turns 4. I think this is prob true.
            This is actually really helpful, as far as planning goes. My main worry with having more is that my life will feel too crazy, and it will look uncontrolled to other people. Of course, I'm biased toward thinking that MY kids are well-behaved... It seems like with fewer kids, though, you can also invest so much more quality time with them, but maybe there are ways around that.


            • #36
              Re: how many kids to have?

              Especially with twins, it gets easier at about 3- 3.5... They really can "play cooperatively" together, be best buds, and keep each other company in new situations (like VBS or other daycamps).

              Hang in there!!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #37
                Re: how many kids to have?

                My "plan" is just to discover that I am pregnant again in a year or so, and not have to actually "try" again with the charting and all that. It was getting to be more work than fun last time!
                I will also have a short, natural labor and not tear again!

                Then maybe we would do it all again one more time?

