Our local newspaper ran an article that asked community members to name their best gift received, best gift given and what gift they wanted most. Most people listed gifts they wanted most as a huge ticket item or a social outcome like world peace. When I asked my husband, he said he wanted another child. His reply surprised me because I didn't know it was so important to him. With the end of my husband's fellowship in 7 months, we have been concentrating on his job search and the probability that we will be relocating. I feel a little pressured to fit all this in with having another baby. I have only recently felt back to normal after the birth of our first child 14 months ago. I still have to lose a dress size!!!! I can't imagine dealing with pregnancy and more child care. I guess that means I am not really ready to expand our family yet. To see my husband so in love with our daughter fills my heart and to give him something he wants most makes me feel good. I think he will have to wait a little longer for the precious gift. Maybe he will settle for a pair of shoes instead! 
