whole afternoon has been taken up by this issue! Today my children got off of the school bus and announced that a boy on the bus had brought a bbgun to school, had "put a bullet in it", and had pointed it in my son's face and told him that he was going to "kill him" tomorrow after school. 8O We moved to a small town to get away from this kind of thing.
What an incredible shock this is...with everything going on in the world right now, I am beginning to feel a widening gap of despair. After the new terror alerts, tape from bin Laden, and suggestions on Fox News that we wrap our windows in plastic/duct tape, I contemplated actually not sending the kids to school anymore. I know, I know ..I'm such a mess! I just feel...afraid for them. Now today, this really tips the scales. I feel so shocked.
What an incredible shock this is...with everything going on in the world right now, I am beginning to feel a widening gap of despair. After the new terror alerts, tape from bin Laden, and suggestions on Fox News that we wrap our windows in plastic/duct tape, I contemplated actually not sending the kids to school anymore. I know, I know ..I'm such a mess! I just feel...afraid for them. Now today, this really tips the scales. I feel so shocked.