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Pregnant Ladies Check-in

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  • Pregnant Ladies Check-in

    I was just wondering how my fellow compatriots are doing.

    I am about 16 weeks now- can't believe I have made it this far! I am getting a belly- which if you are so inclined to see may do so- ... llery.html

    Sorry if it hurts your eyes!

    Still tired on occasion, but I am sure some of it is due to Emma keeping me busy. I can still fit into my normal clothes, but they are feeling snug, so I am pretty much wearing my "fat-clothes" (clothes that are one size bigger) for comfort reasons. I tried on my maternity clothes, but they fall off of me- I must have gotten big in the boob, butt, thigh and hip area before my belly ever stuck out. This time it seems like it is all belly. Maybe I'm having a boy, who knows? We'll find out in a few weeks, sometime next month.

    I am little freaked out, because I keep hearing these "rumors" that second babies are 1-2 lbs bigger than first babies. Emma was 7#12, so IF it is true then I am not looking forward to giving birth to a 9-10 lb baby. Oh well if it is meant to be it is meant to be....

    Other that I am doing good....

    How is everyone else doing?

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2

    33 weeks and counting the minutes!! I can't sleep, walk, eat or tie my own shoes anymore. Of course once the baby is here I will miss all the fun of feeling him inside. I can tell you that my 2nd was 9lbs 6 oz and she was a breeze to deliver compared to my 1st at 8lbs 3 oz. So don't worry about the must have something to do with being stretched out from the first 8O Looked at your belly pics. I only wish my belly looked like yours does at 16 weeks when I am not pregnant! You look great but I know what you mean about fat clothes. I wore my regular pants as long as I could and just tied a rubberband around the button and latched it so that I had more room. I think we've decided to name the baby Samuel Aiden but we'll see when he gets here. With the others I haven't been able to actually decide on a name for sure until the hospital insists that the baby has to have a name before I leave the premises.



    • #3
      Well, I am only 9 weeks and miserable. This has been by far my hardest pregnancy. I have lost 8 lbs in the past 1.5 weeks. I have family coming this w/e to help me with the kids, cleaning and cooking. My hubby has been coming home from school EVERY night and taking over! He is fantastic and so helpful BUT...he has midterms in 3 weeks, so I KNOW that is a concern for him. Anyway, I wanted to chime in here. It felt good to get out of bed and do a little something. Here's to the second trimester! (when on when will it be here?) (I am only this whiny when I am prenant, it's not my thing )



      • #4
        Crystal - You are SO little for 16 weeks!!!! I was always huge when I was pregnant. I usually started out thin but .... by the end after 50+ pounds ... let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight!

        You look great! Hope the pregnancy is an easy one for you.

        Good luck to everyone else. I feel your pain!!!! It will get better though, especially when that special baby comes and you see his/her face. All the nausea and discomfort are forgotten (at least for awhile! 8)



        • #5
          26 weeks here and doing well! I was actually thinking about how *good* I feel and wondering if that will continue or not! My biggest complaint is just some inner thigh pain at night - sometimes it is so awful that I cannot turn over. It feels like I've been doing a split for hours and the last time I did a split was in gymnastics class at 6 years of age! The weeks are starting to fly by which is both exciting and scary. Finally have a decent belly but not so big that I have a lot of trouble getting around. . .still small enough that I sometimes forget that I have a package in there! I'm also wondering and knowing that is likely to change as well!

          Good luck to all of the other PG ladies here!!! I like these updates!


          • #6
            I can relate, Jessica! 8 weeks and miserable. I think this is the first time I've moved out of bed today except when I get up to pee or choke down food. This is our first, so I really have no clue what to expect. My poor husband has been so sweet, though, considering he is living with a hormonal mess I couldn't get the car out of the ice yesterday and I was in tears before I even made it back into the apartment!

            Here's to the second trimester! Hopefully we will feel more "stable" then!!!


            • #7
              My wife has just crossed the 30 week mark. Yesterday's Dr visit was a confirmation that there could be a 39 week induciton. Estimated baby weight now is about 4 1/2 lbs.
              This is the second, and it is starting to look like it is going to be bigger than the first. Drew was 7# 13oz and 21". Gretchen is tired of being a kick ball (ribs) and a punching bag (bladder). She loves the movements when they aren't so big and causing her to yell in public places when no one is touching her....makes me look lousy to passers-by!

              Crystal, I haven't seen the belly-shots, but I just wanted to tell you when DW was carrying our first in October she had a good belly. I asked her if I could paint it like a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween. She actually said yes and we painted her tummy. It was hilarious and a great photo for Drew, he says it was the halloween he was a pumpkin seed! We had them on our computer, but of course we lost them when it crashed.
              Good luck to all!


              • #8
                Hi- I'm not pregnant yet, but my husband and I are gonna start trying. I was just wondering if anybody knows anything about exercising while trying to get pregnant? I've finally gotten myself into a good exercise routine at a gym close to our house (it just opened up so now I don't have to cross town to go to a gym ), and mostly I do some elliptical training and then lift some weights- Do I have to worry about anything during the time when I may be pregnant? Does anyone know??? I would just stop exercising altogether but the last time we were trying to get pregnant it took us 10 months ... But then we were pregnant with twins, so I guess it was worth the wait???

                I just thought the pregnant people would know the most recent stuff!

                Thanks for any advice!

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #9
                  When I got pregnant this time around I was exercising 3 times a week doing 45 min of step aerobic and 15-20 min of weights.

                  There is no problem exercising while trying to get pregnant or even afterwards. In fact, I have an OB who believes that if you continue to exercise during pregnancy you have a better chance of having an easier delivery. Plus it gives you and the baby added benefits- your heart is kept strong.

                  I only walked when I was pregnant with Emma, but that was because I wasn't doing an exercise program before I got pregnant, and starting an exercise regemine while pregnant is not the best idea.

                  I will probably continue to do step aerobics up until my seventh or eighth month of pregnancy- when I become too big to enjoy it. I am hoping to start doing Yoga, as I have heard great things about it during pregnancy.

                  I am not sure if this is coincidence or not, but I have noticed that I am not as big as I was when I was pregnant with Emma, I am not swelling or putting on the weight as fast. Who knows? I will let you know as the pregnancy progresses.

                  Gas, and 4 kids


                  • #10

                    I love the photos! You will cherish them always.

                    We have a series of shots of me in a bikini facing sideways every week during the pregnancy. It is really cool (now that I'm not pregnant anyway). My hubby jokes that we should bind the photos to make one of those books that when you flip it you see animation!

                    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11

                      I just finished browsing your is beautiful, or more specifically, Emma is beautiful. You guys really seem to be enjoying your little one. Thanks for sharing!

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Kelly- Thank you! I didn't take a lot of pictures early on when I was pregnant with Emma, so I guess you could say I am making up for this time around. I have pictures of when I was close to delivering but that's about it. We absolutely adore Emma, and look forward to having this next baby arrive to love just as much.

                        It's funny the things one will do to keep the family and friends up to date on the munchkins- that's who is really important.

                        Gas, and 4 kids


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cricketnmatt
                          When I got pregnant this time around I was exercising 3 times a week doing 45 min of step aerobic and 15-20 min of weights.

                          There is no problem exercising while trying to get pregnant or even afterwards. In fact, I have an OB who believes that if you continue to exercise during pregnancy you have a better chance of having an easier delivery. Plus it gives you and the baby added benefits- your heart is kept strong.

                          I only walked when I was pregnant with Emma, but that was because I wasn't doing an exercise program before I got pregnant, and starting an exercise regemine while pregnant is not the best idea.

                          I will probably continue to do step aerobics up until my seventh or eighth month of pregnancy- when I become too big to enjoy it. I am hoping to start doing Yoga, as I have heard great things about it during pregnancy.

                          I am not sure if this is coincidence or not, but I have noticed that I am not as big as I was when I was pregnant with Emma, I am not swelling or putting on the weight as fast. Who knows? I will let you know as the pregnancy progresses.

                          Thanks Crystal-- I don't know if I'll have energy to keep up exercising like I do now while pregnant- we'll see. I can't believe you are doing step aerobics while pregnant!!! You must have lots of energy!

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #14
                            I exercised before and during my pregnancy and was encouraged to do so by my doctor. I did aerobics through the 5th month or so -- i had to stop and switch to the elliptical walker because my heart rate was going over 140 (I think that is the level they like you to stay below). I slowed down considerably towards delivery. But there was a woman in my aerobics class who did aerobics almost up to delivery! You could also try prenatal aerobics or yoga as well. Good luck!


                            • #15
                              There have been some days I have literally dragged myself to class, but I felt good afterwards. I have really toned down my workout- taken out a riser, and I do the low-impact options now. When I get to the free weight part at the end I sit on an exercise ball. I also keep a close eye on my heart rate, which I don't allow to get above 150. These days that isn't hard to do- so usually towards the end I am taking little breaks or just stepping up and down rather than following the routine.

                              Matt has needed the car the last month, and the days I didn't go I felt more tired than the days where I did go.

                              Also make sure you drink lots of water.

                              I have thought of switching to swimming as I get too big or doing the elliptical machine.

                              Gas, and 4 kids

