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Crystal's 25 wk appt and picture...

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  • Crystal's 25 wk appt and picture...

    It went great! I am up a total 15 lbs at 25 weeks (well I am tech 24w 5d, but who cares?!). The baby's heartbeat sounded great. I am measuring right on. We talked about possibly inducing if I haven't had him by Aug 10. Sounds stupid, and I am normally not a fan of induction. I told the doc I would only do it if I looked favorable. Matt as you know is getting some time off, and we found out that my mil can only come from 8/11 to 8/18, because Matt's youngest sister starts school I think on the 20th, and can't be left alone. Anywho, I brought up to the OB that it would be better for me not to be pregnant, but to be having the baby during that week if he hasn't arrived by then. That way Matt's mom can watch Emma while we are at the hospital. The OB was supportive and said she would definitely consider it. She told me my chances though of having this one early were greater than me going past my due date, but I am not holding my breath on that one. I delivered Emma a week early, and her experience has been 2nd babies come sooner than the first one did. Who knows?! I will wait and see.

    My next appt- I have a follow-up ultrasound because one of the baby's kidneys was measuring larger than normal. I also have that lovely 1-hr glucose test.

    This pregnancy is flying by so fast!!! Oh I have a new pic on our website-

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Glad to hear things are going good for you Crystal. I would try to make sure that you get the dr to go with your delivery plan if you can. I thought that my 2nd would be early because my son was early and instead she decided to hang out for an extra week past my due date. In fact, she wouldn't have come then unless the dr decided to break my water to get things going. I guess I made things too comfortable in there. Anyway, enjoy the remaining weeks and hopefully, they will fly by.



    • #3
      I am not a fan of induction either, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Also, best of luck with the follow up appointment.

      I would coo over your photos, but I couldn't get in the site.

      Thanks for sharing,

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4

        I was induced with my last little guy. It was the only way we could make sure that Russ could be there and that my mom would be available to help. I am not a big fan of induction either and must admit that it was a long delivery. All my babies came within four hours but they, at one point, thought I might have to have a c-section because I just wasn't going anywhere. 10 hours later he came. Of course, the fact that he weighed about 10 pounds might have had something to do with that!!! 8O

        It is a good back up plan and hopefully the timing will work out right on its own.



        • #5
          I was induced with my second as well for the very same reason. My first labor was only 2 hours 15 minutes total, so we really didn't have a choice. Once I got closer to my due date, my OB felt more confident that I was ready so she induced me at least a week early. My second labor was only 4 hours--I think if you're ready than an induction isn't a bad idea at all!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            I was induced with all three of my deliveries. I've never had a "natural" delivery! The first two inductions were huge learning experiences for me. The third time around I knew exactly what I wanted and how to go about things with the pitocin iv and the side-affects. My opinion is that if you feel like it is best go for the induction. Know the pros and cons first, though and really think and pray about it. My advice from my own experience is: Do not take demoral and definitely request patient-controlled epidural (a partial epidural is what it was termed at my last delivery). With this type of epidural you are given control of the level of medication cirulated in your system through the iv. It is wonderful (and you actually use less medication)! Just my thoughts. Good luck!
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

