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Pregnant women update...

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  • #16
    The magic eight ball results:

    Q: Will Nellie have a baby boy?

    A: It's possible.

    Q: Will Nellie have a baby girl?

    A: Absolutely.

    So there you go for whatever that is worth!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17


      • #18
        Congratulations Nellie.

        Kelly, I can't tell you how many times the magic eight ball gave my study group the confidence to get through a law school exam. of course, we would always shake until we got the answer we wanted.


        • #19
          Nellie!!! CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome! January is a good month to have a baby--- Emma is a January baby.

          I hope you have a healthy nine months.
          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #20

            At 31 weeks, I am feeling pretty good. It just hit me that the baby could be here in 6 weeks! 8O Not counting on him making an appearance THAT early, but the fact that it could happen freaked me out a bit. Matt informed me last night that the baby cannot come in July as he cannot take any time off due to the rotation he will be on. I reminded him it wasn't up to me, that it was up to his son.

            We are getting ready to move and Matt got screwed on the call schedule this month, so that's why I haven't been around much-- Emma is fun, but a lot of work.

            I am at every 2 weeks now for my appointments. I have to admit it still seems surreal that we are having another baby.

            I am up 23 lbs., and I look pregnant now. I have pics posted on our website-

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #21
              It seems like time is flying for all pregnancies. They will be here before you know it. I am 25 weeks and can't believe how big I am, and finally in maternity clothes. I am starting to drop things on my clothes because my belly is in the way. Avery likes to kiss the baby in my belly and lifts up her shirt to show off the baby in her belly. I doubt she truly understands the whole sibling concept.

              Stay healthy!



              • #22
                It's been MONTHS since I have posted but I have been trying to catch up. Congrats to all our newly expecting parents out there!! I think we should have everyone catch us up on due dates, what # child this will be, sex of the baby etc. I am already lost as to all of our recent pregos DH and I are expecting #3 in 3.5 weeks. We are having a girl (or so they tell us) and I am feeling anxious and a bit uncomfortable! Hope all is well with our "mommies" out there. Fill us in.


                • #23
                  Jessica, are you due on 10/3?

                  9/03 is tomorrow!
                  Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                  Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                  “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                  Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                  • #24
                    no, sorry for the confusion....I am due in Sept 2003 is what that means. Exact due date is Sept 27th


                    • #25
                      As an update, I'm now 16 weeks pg. This is my first pregnancy, so every little change is really exciting. We're going to wait to find out the gender of our baby. I always thought that it would kill me not to know the sex ahead of time, but I'm realizing that I really don't care. I just want a healthy baby human, girl or boy.

                      My clothes are starting to get tight in the waist, yet I'm not ready for maternity clothes. I really don't like this feeling, since I just feel fat. I just wish I would either look pregnant or fit into my clothes like I used too. When will I need maternity clothes?

                      As my tummy expands, though, this pg is quickly becoming very real. I'm really looking forward to the day when I feel the baby kicking. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer.

                      I'm curious how all of the other pregnant moms are doing!
                      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by lunatic
                        Spotting can happen around 7-8 weeks when implantation takes place, so that's not unheard of at all.
                        I wish I had known that when it was happening! It was a nerve-wracking week waiting to figure out what was going on.

                        My update: I am about 20 weeks and will have the "big" ultrasound tomorrow. We aren't finding out the sex of the baby, though. A surprise I think we will all look forward to. This kid is moving around A LOT. 8O I see another active child in my future -- what does the magic 8 ball say, Kelly?

                        I am showing and needing maternity clothes, or at least elastic waistbands. The fun thing is that I have a very full maternity wardrobe -- clothes passed on from 3 friends! In some cases, the seasons are off but it is really nice to have a variety of clothes to choose from.


                        • #27
                          19 days until my due date!! 8O I think I have been in denial for several months about this baby despite my evergrowing awkwardness and protruding belly, chest and rear. Reality has set in. I am 1 cm dilated so far, but the baby has not dropped yet. I still can't fathom how I will care for two kids at once!



                          • #28
                            Bigger and bigger every day! My skin is like an onion peel.....!! I am due Oct 12. Go to the doc tomorrow for some concerns about high BP/swelling. Still working full time as RN (12 hour shifts!) and hanging in there--but wow, I am READY for her (Keelin will be her name) to be here. I hope everybody else is doing well. I can hardly believe I am about to become somebody's Mama!!!


                            • #29
                              I will be 18 weeks on Sat. I go for my u/s tomorrow. We decided to find out the sex. I always thought i wouldnt but now that the time is hear- I want to know!! My tummy is just starting to pop out. It is pretty amazing, i see major changes in just the past week.

                              I started wearing my scrubs untucked at work today cause of de belly. I have been working there for exactly a month, still meeting everyone and getting the system down. I am extermely anal, and so I am worried what they are going to say, how to address it etc. I am so happy about this pregnancy, and feel so uncomfortable not talking about it at work.
                              Mom to three wild women.


                              • #30
                                Wow...everyone's pregnancies are moving along so fast!!!! Jennifer, I can't believe that you are down to just a few weeks now.....Those of you pregnant and working full-time are amazing to me. Here I am complaining about being tired

                                I'm a little past the 31 week mark...I think..or maybe it is 32? Who's counting at this point The baby is very quiet during the day and then at night when I lay down the acrobatics begin. He is still in the breech position and his feet bounce on my bladder all night long...little stinker!!!

                                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

