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Crystal's 40 wk. (Warning- RANT)

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  • Crystal's 40 wk. (Warning- RANT)

    Start off-- I am at my mental breaking point, and was practically in tears on the way home from the OB appt. I know I can do this, but deep down inside I can't take anymore of this. I am at the point where I don't want to be around any of our friends or hear from my family, because I don't want to hear- "Any change?" "Oh, your still pregnant." You know the standard comments. The sad news is we have social things planned this weekend. Would it be bad if I had dh and dd go, and I just stay behind?

    The appt. was fairly uneventful. Heartbeat is good, blood pressure is good, weight up 1 lbs, for a total of 34 lbs. No change- still 2 cm and 80% effaced (so Matt was off, but I don't blame him-- he's not an OB) . The OB stripped my membranes to help jumpstart things. We'll see..... I am pretty pessimistic right now, and in a pissy mood. :P

    At least I have a date set, which seems an eternity from now. I am scared out of my wits to be induced. At the same time I am down, because I feel like my body is defective. I hope it all successful. I'm sure it will be. I have just accepted the fact that I will have to be induced.

    Thanks for listening to my rant.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    If it will cheer you up to go out this weekend, then go. Otherwise, hang out at home and relax.
    I hear you Crystal, I felt the same while while I was *waiting* for bryn to make her appearance. I was getting hotter, grumpier, and bigger by the day. It is hard when your physical self isn't on the same page as your mental self.
    And your body is not defective -- you're already showing some progress! Maybe the stripping of membranes will give you that push you need. Have you tried taking walks and getting out a little bit? Jumping up and down (j/k)?

    I know it's tough, but hang in there!!


    • #3
      That was me!


      • #4
        With my last baby the dr. stripped my membranes on a Friday and I didn't go into labor until Monday. I was pretty anxious to get the ball rolling also because I was sure he would be premature like my previous baby but it turned out he was just taking his sweet little time.

        Don't worry - it won't be long now! Hang in there!


        • #5
          Crystal- I understand your frustration! I agree with Thu Van that you might enjoy the distraction by being social this weekend. Keeping active helped keep my mind of the birth and I hoped that exercise would bring about labor. Babies have a mind of their own!

          Hang in there!



          • #6
            I feel for you Crystal! It is hard to be 40 weeks pregnant in August! And well-meaning comments are so annoying. I say if you don't have the energy to go to the social outing, send dh and dd (with pager and cell phone on of course!) and lay on the couch and relax!
            Awake is the new sleep!

