Yesterday I went back to bed after I got Andrew and Amanda off to school. Thomas let me sleep and took care of getting Alex off to preschool...including packing his lunchbox: "No, honey, you sleep...I'll do it"
So I went to pick him up and the teacher met me with this:"Well, he ate the pink cupcake and that chocolate sandwich...and drank his juice...but he left the chocolate cupcake and the chips in his lunchbox" 8O HUH??????
So I stumbled all over myself explaining that my HUSBAND had packed the lunch and not me
This woman is actually one of the parents who takes care of the kids from 11.30-12.30 after preschool ends when there is free playtime. She is a NUTRITIONIST for Gods' sake...a NUTRITIONIST. 8O
I'm so embarassed. I asked Thomas why he packed that stuff in the lunchbox...his answer? "Alex wanted it!!!"
Good Grief.

So I stumbled all over myself explaining that my HUSBAND had packed the lunch and not me

I'm so embarassed. I asked Thomas why he packed that stuff in the lunchbox...his answer? "Alex wanted it!!!"
Good Grief.