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I can't take it anymore!!!

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  • I can't take it anymore!!!

    The twins are just driving me nuts with the so-called nap-time. I put them down, then they immediately start tearing apart their room. They have already broken one drawer in their closet system, they have destroyed their shade, they pull all their clothes out of their drawers each day, they scream/squeal/play the whole time... I get a nap out of them about 1 day out of 7, and the rest of it is so stressful I just feel like I'm going to go into preterm labor or something. It's really aggravating, and of course DH is not sympathetic and really is so clueless about what goes on here all day...

    Anyway, I think that I will cut out this fun playtime for them, try to put their room back in shape (they don't destroy it during the night, for some reason), but I need suggestions as to what to do with them during the day. Next year they won't be going to preschool (I'm hopeful that they'll get into a mothers' day out program 1 day a week, and there will be a MOPS group next year, but besides that no activities 8O ) so I'm looking at this long, looming day ahead of me with the twins, no nap for them, and a newborn who will likely be nursing all the time... Anyway, any suggestions as to what to do with destructive 3 year olds?

    Also, What bedtime should I aim for? They get up now at about 8 am, go to sleep about 8:30... If they don't have a "naptime" during the middle of the day, should I move bedtime up to, say 5? My son Steven is the problem. He's the one who probably could do just fine with a total of 10 hours of sleep. Izzy likes to sleep, but can't when her brother is jumping on her bed, etc... This is so frustrating!!!

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2

    I don't remember where exactly you guys live but....

    This summer- Go to the pool!! There are swimming lessons (even for the wee ones, with floatees, etc.) at nearly every pool, and if you don't have one in your neighborhood (hard to believe since I think Montgomery County, Maryland has more municipal pools than people to swim in them!!)

    When we moved to Gaithersburg, my mom marched us over to the pool and signed us up for every single pool related activity she could find. My brother was pre-kindergarten, too. We'd pack up and camp at the pool all day. Mom sat with the other moms and we played all day. (she brought our lunch and we'd have a picnic at noon)

    Good luck!


    PS- There are also lots of activities and kids program through the Smithsonian and they're usually free or have a minimum fee.


    • #3
      Could you continue quiet/nap time but put them in separate rooms just for that time?
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        I am right there with you on the toddler naptime! My 2.5 yr old plays and tears her room apart during naptime almost daily. She empties her drawers, books off the shelves and takes apart her window shades. I have had a hard time getting her to sleep period lately. Sorry I have no suggestions, but I am looking for some myself. She does need to nap, plus I am not ready to give up my free time.

        I offer commiseration, but little help.



        • #5
          Well, of course since DH is home today (Sunday is his day home) they are taking a nap. They've been quiet and asleep for 2 hours already! I know what's in store for tomorrow though! Back to the same ol'. I would love to separate them, but we just don't have room. Izzy wants to sleep, and Steven won't let her, but oh well. I think that I'll try the modified "quiet time" (ha ha ha) which means quiet time for me, really. I'll give them about 1 hour and if they haven't fallen asleep by then, they won't. I have to take them out to the parks and what not to get them all worn out-- that will definitely help things. Or else I'll just get Mac to drop out of med school and then they'll nap like angels for the rest of their childhood, apparently...

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            Hmm... sounds like what happens in my house, BUT I have just one 2 year old. I can't just put Emma in her room for nap time because her nap time is about the time Brigham takes his afternoon nap, and she thinks Brigham's sole purpose is to entertain her (translation- she will wake him up by climbing into his crib)

            I either will rock Emma to sleep- it takes all of 10 minutes, OR if she is doing well enough meaning no tantrums then I forego the nap and have her read books in her play area (all toys put up), and then will put her to bed at 630 pm or 7 pm. When Emma has a nap she goes to bed at 8 or 9 pm.

            I tried stripping Emma's room down to the bare minimum for nap time, and amazingly enough she still found plenty to do to keep herself awake.

            Good luck!



            • #7

              I PM'ed you info about a listserv in the DC area that might give you some ideas on sleeping techniques. Hope it helps!



              • #8
                I've found a way to sort of get them to rest--- I let them have their party for about 10 minutes, then I go in there, very stern, very mean , and I actually stand there in there room while they fall asleep. This is probably not very healthy, but then they get some sleep I guess. Don't know how this will work when baby arrives, but oh well. I'm trying to live in the now...

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

