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New Mom Brains, Holla!

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  • #16
    I'm currently at my DH's brothers house watching their 6mo daughter for the night. After trying to put her down for the past 45 min just to have her scream the minute I put her in her crib, anyone...and I mean literally anyone...who has a baby or toddler is an absolute superstar. I have only been watching her for a few hours and I already need a nap!

    We don't have kids of our own and don't plan on it until he is done with residency. Major kudos to everyone who has kids during school and residency. I don't know how you do it but you all deserve a medal and a long vacation.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    • #17
      You're just in survival mode. It does get better. Honestly, my brains will never be what they were before children and the stream of interruptions that family life brings. You develop other skills like multitasking and knowing when somebody is being too quiet. Parenthood definitely brings humility with it. Hang in there. I actually found this forum to be a great place to exercise my adult brain while home with babies. We used to have killer debates and discussions. This site kept my adult brain semi-conscious. That's what I liked about it versus FB updates.


      • #18
        New Mom Brains, Holla!

        Originally posted by MrsK View Post
        I swear, when I go to CLE, I feel like I wandered into a seminar for smart people and I'm not supposed to be there.

        Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
        This is pretty much how I feel just wondering out into the world. And I do *not* live in a particularly highly educated city haha.

        I have definitely noticed other skills shaping up - the multitasking thing for one. It's more evident to me when I leave DH with the baby for a while and come back to a complete mess of a house. He's only recently figured out how to wash up her high chair after feeding her while simultaneously keeping her entertained and out of danger. It's strange to think though that some of my brain cells are as far gone as my size 6 feet 😉.
        Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


        • #19
          Originally posted by MrsInTheMiddle View Post
          I just wrapped up chairing a big event (I'll create a new thread once I have organized photos to share) and I basically fell off the face of the planet. I had no time for myself and was so sleep deprived, which is what I imagine being a new mom feels like. On the day of the event, I spilled a full venti latte on my desk and basically wanted to have a meltdown. Thankfully, I had fully functioning colleagues who grabbed paper towel and called housekeeping to clean the carpeting, but I think I am in trouble if this what what motherhood has in store for me!
          I feel for you! I helped organize my daughter's preschool fundraiser dinner and auction (live and silent), and it was entirely too disruptive to our family. DH asked me very nicely not to do it again next year... I was a total mess the month leading up to the event!
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • #20
            I just wrapped up my worst work week in a long time. Drop DD off at daycare at 8, get on a conference call on my drive, get in front of my computer by 8:30, work nonstop until 4:30 barely eating, drinking, or peeing. Pick up babe by 5, go home, feed, bathe, and put to bed. Work till my bedtime. Repeat.

            I trained in one new employee, participated in a 12 hour conference call workgroup, met 4 proposal deadlines, hired 1 person, and made offers to 2 more. By yesterday I found that I was beginning to ask my staff for things that were right in front of me - a report I had just sent to someone or a document I had just filed in the shared drive. It's a good thing they all have a good sense of humor because I had to fully admit to them that I was losing my marbles. It's also an amazingly good thing that DH had an easy week and helped with bedtimes and making dinner because otherwise I wouldn't have eaten.

            Time for vacation!
            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


            • #21
              I feel for you guys, and I am still there most days.
              The things that have helped me the most are: working out, and DS1 going to preschool for part of the day. Without those two things, I'd probably be in a fetal position in the corner.

              For those with PPD/body stuff: it gets better, I promise. Of my experience, I can honestly say it took til 16-18 months, PP, where I felt more like myself (stronger, in shape, mentally more together). I don't resent my kids, but pregnancy and the post-partum fog are no joke.

              Hang in there -- you will learn new coping mechanisms, and what works for your family. Most days, you can find me making lists and talking to myself out loud.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
              Professional Relocation Specialist &
              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


              • #22
                I keep forgetting what day it is.

                Sent from Tapatalk
                Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer

