Holy moley....ready or not here she comes. Everything is looking good so far: blood pressure, sugar, heartbeat, fundal height, and the head is engaged south. I've gained 28 pounds so far
so it looks like I probably will not meet my goal of staying on the sunny side of a 30 pound weight gain. This is where you all chime in and relate stories of how all of your pregnancy weight, no matter how much you gained, simply *melted* away before you left the hospital. I will be soothed by exaggerations and even bald face lies at this point.
We're excited, nervous, thrilled, freaked out, disconnected from reality, and perplexed as to whether we're truly qualified to do this. I guess that that contemplating this is the same as trying to catch a train that has already left the station.
Ready or not, here comes love and chaos.

We're excited, nervous, thrilled, freaked out, disconnected from reality, and perplexed as to whether we're truly qualified to do this. I guess that that contemplating this is the same as trying to catch a train that has already left the station.
Ready or not, here comes love and chaos.