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Sleep advice

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  • Sleep advice

    Aidan was sick for about 10 days before the holidays and then right after christmas he came down with something again and was sick for 4 days. The result: clinginess and an addiction to nursing. He had been taking a cup at mealtimes and a sippy cup during the day and I had reduced the nursing quite a bit.

    We're big co-sleepers and that hasn't presented a problem for us. We have co-slept with the kids for the first few years of their life...I know we're crazy :! It's never been a big problem (at least that I remember).

    Since his bout of sickness though, Aidan has been waking up every hour to nurse...When he was sick I was much more understanding, but now, I'm just plain exhausted. The thing is, he won't...unlatch. He wants to use me as a pacifier all night long and after he has fallen asleep, I can't unlatch him. He ends up waking up and screaming. For awhile, I would just get up and walk to the bathroom and he'd fall back asleep once I was gone. Then he got wise to me and would start scraming, crawl off the bed and come into the bathroom shrieking. Last night, I was so upset (and exhausted) that I realized that if I didn't move him from our room I was going to lose I put him in his swing, put hte swing in Thomas' office and closed the door. At this point, it was 4.14 am. I felt so guilty to leave him there in the semi-dark screaming so I sat in the family room on the sofa waiting for him to fall asleep. He screamed non-stop until 4.50am...I kid you not! I felt so guilty/horrible that I finally got him, took him upstairs, and played pacifier for the rest of the night. :| :thud:

    I'm totally beat and I'm just dreading tonight.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Benadryl? Rum? :>

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    That's something that I hadn't thought of! His ears were fine before, but maybe he IS getting something there!
    I slept in this morning (as did Aidan!) and laid down for 1.5 hours earlier this afternoon. I am feeling much more cheerful now...hopefully this will pass. I have some baby camomile (spelling) tea from germany that I'm going to give him tonight to see if it helps settle him at all I know that sounds weird, but it works for me....and my mil swears by it.

    I hope this is over soon though...
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Last night was better. I put him to bed later at around 8.45pm and he fell asleep within 5 minutes...he woke up aroudn 11.30 and I did nurse him and then I put him back into his crib (which is in our room but is almost never used ) He slept until sometime between 4-5 am (wahoo) and then woke up and came to our bed and fell asleep instantly and didn't wake up again until 6.30. I nursed him a little, got the kids out the door, played online a few minutes and then went and woke him up...I'm trying to make him tired enough to sleep well tonight!

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Glad to hear you guys are finally getting some sleep!! I would not have been too chipper either.

