and that we all are suffering from a little cabin fever....but right now my kids are driving me CRAZY. Alex (6) is in the whine-non-stop and cry when things don't go his way stage. Amanda is in the roll-her eyes and be as sassy as humanly possible phase and half the time I can't even stand to be in the same room as her
(I feel terrible to think like this, but yesterday when she and I went out for some 'special time' together I didn't even know what to talk with her about. We hardly even speak anymore except for me to be angry with her.
. Andrew is so disorganized (I don't know where he gets THAT from) and so emotional that I just sometimes get so angry with him.
He can't find his papers, constantly has late assignments and then has these emotional "you lost my assignment" meltdowns.
This morning I got the kids up and no one would get dressed very fast...Amand flat out refused to come downstairs until it was 'her' idea, and I ended up shrieking at the kids...carpool showed up and waited outside for them to finally get coats on etc. They both went to school w/o brushing their teeth or hair. In the middle of it all, a student called to tell me she couldn't make it to lab and I was actually yelling at my kids while I was talking to her.
Aidan is my only 'easy' child right now...
But he's too little to talk back or do anything to upset me beyond pulling the noodles off of the shelf or spilling catfood on the floor.
I need some mommy first aid guys....

This morning I got the kids up and no one would get dressed very fast...Amand flat out refused to come downstairs until it was 'her' idea, and I ended up shrieking at the kids...carpool showed up and waited outside for them to finally get coats on etc. They both went to school w/o brushing their teeth or hair. In the middle of it all, a student called to tell me she couldn't make it to lab and I was actually yelling at my kids while I was talking to her.

Aidan is my only 'easy' child right now...

I need some mommy first aid guys....