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DH's day at home

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  • DH's day at home


    Fortunately for my dh, he knows that his days would be like that if he stayed at home. He agrees that I have a much harder job than he does. It's one of the reasons he is so nice to me. He also never asks me what I did on a given day or why the dishes aren't done.

    You have aquired another level of husband training! Periodic days like this will remind him that you are a saint.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2
    :> I love it!

    Everytime I go to teach the german class, Thomas watches the kids. When I get home the house is usually trashed!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Oh, you all are funny. Your men are not ALL men, I handle it just fine. Bet he would have woken up for the love too...


      • #4
        Originally posted by pstone
        Oh, you all are funny. Your men are not ALL men, I handle it just fine. Bet he would have woken up for the love too...

        I know...I have a friend whose hubby is an ER physician and he's awesome with their 3 kids. She often says that he has better control of them than she does!

        Re: Part 2...I'm sure he would've woken up too
        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Men, even male residents, are rarely too tired for sex. And given that my husband is always tired, and never gets enough sleep anyway, I'm sure he would forgo the extra time in favor of some lovin'.

          I, on the other hand do get too tired for sex, much to the chagrin of my poor husband.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Do me a favor, make your men happy!


            • #7
              Maybe tonight I can pop into the call room. Think the floor nurses will babysit?

              When I get attention, I give it back. :>

              Oh my, I sound quite vindictive.
              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                I went to the supermarket just now. New rule. No computer for DH when he is the only one home and the kids are awake.


                • #9
                  I'm thinking of leaving my kids with dh for a whole weekend coming up in October! I can just imagine how he would handle it, last time I went out of town I arranged for his mom to come and help him. I do think it's good for the spouse to spend a whole day taking care of the kids, I'm usually shocked and amazed at his competence as well as the horrific state of my house.
                  Awake is the new sleep!

