I had my first o.b. appt. today....and after it was all said and done, she told me that I was measuring large for my dates and that we'd do an u/s to confirm dates as well as ruling out a multiple pregnancy. :thud:
I was able to get an immediate u/s and......
it's just one little jumping bean. I can not believe how...perfect the baby already looked at just 13 weeks/3 days.....2 arms/2 legs...perfect little head and body....Aidan climbed up on to me while she was trying to do the u/s and he was watching the screen...and the baby put it's hands over it's face like it was playing peek-a-boo with Aidan and I.
All of my self-doubts just evaporated.....I can't wait to meet this little one.
The tech needed several extra minutes to measure the heartrate (158) because it was moving, moving, moving, kicking, twisting the entire time...."wow, how much coffee did you drink this morning?" None...I tried not to eat/drink anything since I was being weighed :>
I was able to get an immediate u/s and......
it's just one little jumping bean. I can not believe how...perfect the baby already looked at just 13 weeks/3 days.....2 arms/2 legs...perfect little head and body....Aidan climbed up on to me while she was trying to do the u/s and he was watching the screen...and the baby put it's hands over it's face like it was playing peek-a-boo with Aidan and I.
All of my self-doubts just evaporated.....I can't wait to meet this little one.
The tech needed several extra minutes to measure the heartrate (158) because it was moving, moving, moving, kicking, twisting the entire time...."wow, how much coffee did you drink this morning?" None...I tried not to eat/drink anything since I was being weighed :>