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Things your kids do that make you laugh....

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  • Things your kids do that make you laugh....

    OK...out with it...cute stories go right here!!!

    My funniest story right now involves Aidan. He loves chocolate...and the german word for chocolate is Schokolade......If he wants chocolates from Thomas, he runs around calling the chocolates: Papalade, Papalade

    We've been doing some very basic potty training stuff (because he has shown a definite interest and has gone several times already) and he calls the little chocolate surprise that he gets as a reward afterwords a " poopoolade, poopoolade
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    My stories don't even involve, what does that say about the kids being around me all the time?!

    This was the year that Drew got to see the Nutcracker. I got tickets for Drew and Gretchen as an early Chirstmas gift. Gretchen and I, thanks to the military, broke a streak of about nine years of seeing the Nutcracker last year. Drew has a LeapPad thing that deals with composers and it has some of the music for the Nutcracker in it. He loves it, and it sparked an interest, so this year he got to see it in person. He loved it, although he was so tired and was trying to fall asleep at the end....Oh, yeah, the funny story...
    So, in the part where the "Snow Flakes" are dancing....he in a very concerned voice, leans over to Gretchen and says 'Someone should tell those girls to wear shorts under their dresses, I can see their underwear.'
    She had tears from biting her lip so hard to keep from laughing out loud!

    Colton's new favorite thing, is to be scratched on the neck and back. Gretchen was scratching his neck and back last night. He was appreciative, letting out several oh's and ah's, then when she was done he turns to her and says 'Good job, Momma'.


    • #3
      This didn't really make me laugh, but I did smile. I was reading a Dora book about what you can be when you grow up to Ella. Avery came in at the end and I asked me what she wanted to be when she grew up. She pointed to the stethoscope in the book.

      I said, "Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up?"

      She said, "No, I think I just want to be a kid right now".

      Good for her I thought!



      • #4
        As a good demonstration of our kids' varying personalities we had the following conversation in the car:

        Jon: So, what do you want to be when you grow up, Alex?

        Alex: A doctor like you. Or....

        Jon: Or what?

        Alex: Oh, I think being a doctor would be fun but I'm thinking I'd really like to be an archeologist.

        Jon: That's great! Zoe, what do you want to be?

        Zoe: An architect!

        Madeline: I want to be an artist!

        Jon: Wow! An architect and an artist! Sophia, what do you want to be when you grow up?

        Sophia: A princess. Well, or a unicorn. Yeah, I want to be a princess or a unicorn.

        Cracked us up! The funniest thing is she is so spoiled rotten - she really thinks she's a princess! We have to restrain her from ordering people in hotels and restaraunts around like she's the queen or something.

        Our oldest is nine now and he does everything he can to eavesdrop on our conversations. Halfway through having an adult conversation together Jon usually walks to the door, opens it, and in tumbles Alex. His nickname right now is "SuperSpy".

        Madeline is so terribly sweet with the baby. She'll sing to her and talk sweetly to her. Eleanor adores her and Sophia and just lights up if either of them walk into the room. Ella also has this thing where she will take her chubby little hands and pat my cheeks and then "kiss" me (open mouth, tongue extended, big LICK!). She has also started hugging me around the neck. At almost six months it is super cute.

        Zoe, sweet little thing that she is, likes to make "cards" for all the members of her family. So, inevitably during the day I'll find some cute little hand-drawn card for a sibling or myself or her dad lying around. She likes to make them for her dad and stuff them through the mail slot in the door. It's incredibly adorable.

        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #5
          My 21 month old likes to say "mmmm" when she eats something she likes.

          Several weeks ago when she had a lot of nasal congestion, we were in the car driving down the street. She was, of course, buckled in her carseat in the back. I heard her sneeze very loudly, which meant that is was also very gooey. Since I was buckled in the front and driving, I couldn't immediately wipe her nose. The next thing I heard from her was "mmmm".

          Even though that might qualify as one of the gross things your child does, it did make me laugh at the time. What can I say, she's her daddy's girl.
          Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


          • #6
            Yeah, it's gross. But, it made me laugh!
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              Nikolai cracks us up about every five minutes-

              But recently he has been reinforced by various people for blowing kisses- and he therefore blows kisses with exceptional gusto.

              Rick is responsible for bedtime whenever possible so the other night he was walking Nikolai up our stairs which are open through the banisters to the couch where I was sitting. So Nikolai had to stop on every step and blow me a huge kiss, MWAH (closest I could get to spelling the sound of a blown kiss), step, lean, blow, MWAH, for 10 steps. Cracked me up.

              and now when he wakes up and is tired of playing by himself he calls out, "momma. Momma? MOMMA?! ... y Da?" (which means "or Dad"). We just lie there and laugh.



              • #8
                Mitchell has a pretty good sense of humor for a 19 month old. He had been calling me dadda for about a week, and we thought he was confused until one night when I was out, he started calling my dh momma. It was then that we noticed if we ask him who either one of us is he will call us by the opposite name and then laugh. The girls are at the stage where they *think* their jokes are funny. I'm constantly being subjected to endless knock knock jokes that they make up on the spot. I try to be a good sport and laugh for at least the first 10 or 15 jokes.
                The other morning Syd was listening to my heart with a stethoscope and said "it's not beeping!", then followed up with "that's not good". I had to chuckle at her diagnosis.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  The two funniest things lately.....

                  We were riding in the car somewhere when Joel (middle son who is very laid back, unlike his two brothers) said to me in very strong tones "Mom, will you PLEASE cut Nathan's (youngest DS) nails? He looks like a witch!" It is so unlike Joel to speak strongly about anything that this just cracked me up.....he was APPALLED at the state of Nathan's fingernails...and I had been thinking that I needed to cut them.

                  And Nathan was noticing the residue from snow/salt/sand all over the Suburban and told me that our car had lots of bird flu on it. I asked him to repeat himself, and said "do you mean bird POOP?" He said no, that bird poop only got on windows. My oldest son has been obsessed with the potential of a bird flu pandemic, so Nathan has heard the words "bird flu" thrown around in conversation quite a bit, and he decided it meant when a car is dirty all over.

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    "No Mom, that wasn't me driving the car" when the automatic picture was taken as she sped through the intersection, and it was her and my car.

                    You have no idea what lies ahead!!!!
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      While standing next to his father, both using the urinal:

                      "I like your big penis daddy!" (that was Jacob)

                      While potty training as a super hero and mommy is desperately throwing cheerios in the toilet to get the kid interested:

                      "I'll hit them with my super-pee!" (that was Quinn)

                      Is there a theme in my house?


                      • #12

                        Jacob has big plans to get a kitty and has said he's going to name her Phoebe (the name of a little girl from preschool last year).

                        Today he said he wants two kitties and will name one Phoebe and the other one Cyborg .


                        • #13
                          DD woke up the other morning with a cold and said "Momma! Nose broken! Fix it PLEASE!"

                          DH was talking to DD and said "Wow is Momma cool, or what??" DD said "What."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JaneDoe
                            My 21 month old likes to say "mmmm" when she eats something she likes.

                            Several weeks ago when she had a lot of nasal congestion, we were in the car driving down the street. She was, of course, buckled in her carseat in the back. I heard her sneeze very loudly, which meant that is was also very gooey. Since I was buckled in the front and driving, I couldn't immediately wipe her nose. The next thing I heard from her was "mmmm".

                            Even though that might qualify as one of the gross things your child does, it did make me laugh at the time. What can I say, she's her daddy's girl.

                            That is hilarious.


                            • #15
                              Although I will post things my kids do, I have to get this one out that my niece did first.

                              At a restaurant my 4 year old niece asked my brother to take her to the bathroom. My brother was still eating and said, “ Why don’t you ask your mom.”

                              My niece turned to sil and asked, “Mom, can dad take me to the bathroom?”

