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  • Whining?!

    Whining, whining, and more whining. It is so bad right now that I will ask something like, “Would you like some milk?” and have ds whine “But I DO want milk.” I am doing double takes, banging my head on the wall here. Help/suggestions? Dh and I don’t whine btw. He does have one whiny friend, but it seems to be originating from him. What to do???!!


  • #2
    I'm not sure how old your son is but at school we tell the 3-5 yr olds that we can't help them until they ask/tell us in their big 3-5yr old voices. It usually makes them stop and think about the tone of voice they are using.


    • #3
      What Amy said.
      I feel for you--my oldest went through a whining phase and it lasted a looooong time and nearly drove me over the edge.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Who says you aren't supposed to use napping as a threat? Send 'em my way.

        btw, the "Please ask again with a 3 yo voice" works pretty well. And if that doesn't work, you could ignore him and then say "I think I hear talking but am not sure because I only understand regular voices." Sounds mean, but it works. Whining drives me up a wall and leaves me clinging to light fixtures.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SueC
          What Amy said.
          I feel for you--my oldest went through a whining phase and it lasted a looooong time and nearly drove me over the edge.
          And what Sue politely didn't say is that Jenn has a son who is stuck in the whining phase and won't leave it.

          No advice here, just commiseration.


          • #6
            Thanks for the tips (and commissreation ). I am trying the big boy tactic of telling him that big boys don't whine, they talk. I WISH I could threaten with napping, but he doesn't nap anymore, although he certainly could use it. The lack of naptime might even be a big part of the problem. His poor brain just seems like it can't work well afetr 4 pm. We'll see how it goes. The whining just grates my nerves like nothing else. I did a 'bad mommy' a few days ago and actually yelled at him in the car when I had passed my limit of whining tolerabce. He was so shocked. My other ds, the sensitive one, started to cry.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jfinma
              actually yelled at him in the car when I had passed my limit of whining tolerabce. He was so shocked. My other ds, the sensitive one, started to cry.
              If that's a bad mommy, then I'm mommie dearest.


              • #8
      , there's yelling, then there's 'freaked out exorcist head spinning yelling.' THAT's a 'bad mommy.'

