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It's going to be a long year

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  • #16
    I used to take my daughter to the coffee place around the corner after we walked her brother to preschool. I'd get her a bagel with butter and I'd get a coffee. It was not a good financial decision, but she loved people watching and would eat that bagel for a good 30 minutes each morning. Then we'd go to the playground. I think being out of the house is a good idea - if you are walking them to the bus or to school or dropping them off by car. Then they don't feel so "left behind". They're on the move too.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #17
      Thanks for the ideas!

      Calling used to work but was flatly refused yesterday (which is why she spent the better part of the half hour in her room).

      School starts so early (bus at 7:30, school at 8:00) that not much is open to head off to right away. But the bakery is.


      • #18
        I'm sorry, Sylvia!

        I think the idea of walking around that area is a good one, especially before the weather changes much. I'm hoping that once we get into a routine, I won't need to have something up my sleeve everyday.

        a whole lot better than "Anna drive to school."
        OMG, no kidding. If she thought there was a bus she could bus-jack, I'd be in serious trouble. While I was driving her to school (in our boring old car ) she was saying "please, mama, pleeeeeeeease I take the bus to school?"

