Just as M was getting better from the rotavirus vaccine, she brings home a cold! Gnnnnnnnahhhhh! 
I have so little energy left, it isn't even funny.
I signed us up for an infant massage class yesterday morning, before I realized M was really sick. I explained later in the day that I didn't realize M was sick until after I registered. The lady on the phone said sorry, but that I'd lose the money. So, I said I was bringing the sick baby, because I didn't want to lose my $40. Needless to say, I got my money back. I usually don't resort to being a bitch like this, but I got desperate.

I have so little energy left, it isn't even funny.
I signed us up for an infant massage class yesterday morning, before I realized M was really sick. I explained later in the day that I didn't realize M was sick until after I registered. The lady on the phone said sorry, but that I'd lose the money. So, I said I was bringing the sick baby, because I didn't want to lose my $40. Needless to say, I got my money back. I usually don't resort to being a bitch like this, but I got desperate.
