This has got to be the most rewarding time in parenthood thus far. I die every single day from the cuteness! Dd is 3 months old (I've lost count of the number of weeks--14, I think). When she wakes up in the morning, instead of those awful newborn cries, I'm greeted by a huge smile. Throughout the day, the smiles continue, as does the "talking," "singing," and wet kisses. This is the fun part. 
Dd also sleeps from 7:30pm to 4am and again from 4:30 to around 7:00am. I'm counting my lucky stars that I actually get a sane amount of sleep each night.
I'm bracing myself for teething... Any advice there?

Dd also sleeps from 7:30pm to 4am and again from 4:30 to around 7:00am. I'm counting my lucky stars that I actually get a sane amount of sleep each night.
I'm bracing myself for teething... Any advice there?