Please help me come up with ways of breaking dd's association of her bottle with pain. We're pretty certain it's reflux that is causing her feeding issues. (BTW: I started with rice cereal mixed with formula, and she loves it (maybe it's because she's half Asian! HA!)).
She only accepts her bottle if she's half asleep. If I see that she's hungry during the day, even grabbing for a burpie signals to her that she's going to be fed, which in turn, she knows is painful. So... I've started feeding her without a burpie, and what falls on the floor, falls on the floor (to dh's chagrin). Oh well.
Dd only takes 10 oz of formula during her waking hours. She'll have another 4 before bedtime and that is it ALL DAY. Overnight, she'll wake up one time and drink 4 oz. That makes a total of 18. Ayaiyai.
So, do you have any good ideas for how to camouflage her bottle?
I tried a cup feeding like Kris suggested. It's oh so messy...
I thought I could try putting a sock on her bottle...
Any ideas?! TIA
She only accepts her bottle if she's half asleep. If I see that she's hungry during the day, even grabbing for a burpie signals to her that she's going to be fed, which in turn, she knows is painful. So... I've started feeding her without a burpie, and what falls on the floor, falls on the floor (to dh's chagrin). Oh well.
Dd only takes 10 oz of formula during her waking hours. She'll have another 4 before bedtime and that is it ALL DAY. Overnight, she'll wake up one time and drink 4 oz. That makes a total of 18. Ayaiyai.
So, do you have any good ideas for how to camouflage her bottle?

I thought I could try putting a sock on her bottle...
Any ideas?! TIA