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DH saves the day

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  • #16
    Crystal - just because it may be easy for one person, doesn't mean it is less of a challenge for you. There are plenty of challenges along the way. Crying infants, toddlers who refuse to eat, sleep, stand up, sit down, or just plain cooperate, school age kids who are lippy and think they know everything (for god's sake, I thought that didn't start until the teen years, why didn't someone warn me that 1st grade was deadly). And those are just the one's I've handled today (less the crying infant, just sub in a crying/whining toddler - explains why she was in bed at 6:45 tonight!)


    • #17
      Thanks Kris! I'm really doing okay, I am convinced that with parenthood - most of the time you are given just enough that you can *barely* handle...and then once you feel successful...a new challenge arises. I love it so far, she just giggled at me last week. Baby giggled...and that has kept me going for a week.
      Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


      • #18

        Could your husband come over and give lessons to DH?

        DH just looks at me, puzzled, and asks, "Why is the baby crying?" He once tried to put on the Bjorn, but didn't fasten it correctly, and DS's foot slipped through in this weird way and pull him half-way out one side. Your husband sounds like he knows both what you and Baby need!

