My 2.5yo DS is really quick to anger and (obviously) can't quite manage his emotions yet, so he resorts to hitting (usually his older brother, but he hits other children as well) and throwing things out of frustration.
It's gotten worse lately, it feels like he's hitting DS#1 all.the.time and I live in a constant state of fear when we're around other kids b/c I don't know who he's going to hit next!
Not that it's an excuse, but he's usually provoked in some way (someone takes his toy, etc) ... it's not like he's just randomly running around beating people up.
I've tried seemingly every method of discipline, and nothing seems to work. Telling him "no
hitting!", time-outs, putting him in his room, tending to the victim, even spanking (this just seems counterintuitive to me hitting him b/c he's hitting? - but I was getting desperate!).
I feel like I'm at my wit's end, I don't know what to do. We never had this problem with DS#1, so I'm sort of at a loss as to how to handle it. And being constantly bullied by his younger brother is starting to really take its toll on DS#1, he's becoming really frustrated (I can't say that I blame him!) and has even BITTEN DS#2 out of frustration which he has NEVER done before.
Help me! What do I do? How should I handle this behavior? I know that he'll eventually grow out of it (right? he's not going to still be smacking people when he goes off to college, right??), but it's starting to really become a problem for us now.
It's gotten worse lately, it feels like he's hitting DS#1 all.the.time and I live in a constant state of fear when we're around other kids b/c I don't know who he's going to hit next!
Not that it's an excuse, but he's usually provoked in some way (someone takes his toy, etc) ... it's not like he's just randomly running around beating people up.
I've tried seemingly every method of discipline, and nothing seems to work. Telling him "no
hitting!", time-outs, putting him in his room, tending to the victim, even spanking (this just seems counterintuitive to me hitting him b/c he's hitting? - but I was getting desperate!).
I feel like I'm at my wit's end, I don't know what to do. We never had this problem with DS#1, so I'm sort of at a loss as to how to handle it. And being constantly bullied by his younger brother is starting to really take its toll on DS#1, he's becoming really frustrated (I can't say that I blame him!) and has even BITTEN DS#2 out of frustration which he has NEVER done before.
Help me! What do I do? How should I handle this behavior? I know that he'll eventually grow out of it (right? he's not going to still be smacking people when he goes off to college, right??), but it's starting to really become a problem for us now.