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Cry It Out Fail

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  • #31
    I was never able to do CIO....tried when my oldest was 9 months and getting up once or twice a night, after having slept through the night for months. He stood up and hoisted himself over the edge of the crib (my kids are all tall, and my oldest crawled at 5 months), fell to the floor, and crawled, sobbing, to the door. Hindsight tells me that he was probably teething.....but at that point, I knew there would no CIO in my future. #2 got up twice a night for nine months, and at that point #1 was prone to horrible night terrors, so there was no way I was going to let #2 cry. He was up once a night from 9 to 15 months (and I kind of relished the uninterrupted time with him, tbh, although I was exhausted all the time) and then I took both
    boys on a three week road trip. #2 went back to waking 2x/night and I despaired of ever feeling rested again. However, when we got back home, I think he was so glad to be back in his own space that he slept
    through the night for the first time EVER, and that was that! #3 was a totally different story.....probably had reflux, but guidelines were different and since he didn't projectile vomit, I didn't even consider it. He was fussy all the time and was up three to four times a night. I finally got recurrent mastitis and switched to formula when he was nine months old, and that did the trick.
    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #32
      (posted before I was ready!)
      My oldest and youngest had "lovies"....multiple pacifiers (one to suck on and one for each hand to squeeze) for the oldest and a blankie for the youngest. All of them moved to a big (twin) bed around age two.

      You will figure it out! DH was rarely home during the first year of both #2 and #3, and both those babies spent quite a bit of time in my bed.....whatever it took to survive! I wouldn't have made it without a vibrating bouncy seat (#2) and a vibrating bassinet (#3), so if you haven't tried that, it might be worth it, if they still make them with that feature. Hang in there! My oldest still causes me to lose sleep, but now it's because he is 16 and never wants to go to bed!!!!!
      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #33
        I just want to say that I think you are amazing for holding out so long on trying CIO. And not even co-sleeping for much of it! Sorry that you are still having sleep issues but 6 months is a long time in the life of a little one and maybe things will change. CIO really does not work for every baby.

        DS is 3 and still wakes up once or twice. His bed is in our room and he goes back to sleep once he knows we are there. We don't let him come into our bed now that DD is there, but I still can't imagine him sleeping all night in his own room! It will happen for us all eventually though. Hugs.


        • #34
          Thanks everyone. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your input.
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

