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Disposable Overnight Diapers
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.
When he came home from school, I gave him a cup that was 2 oz milk/4oz water. He sucked down, and demanded another. I gave him a second. At first, he noticed something different and began to protest. Now he's asking for a third.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Don't feel bad. It's not like you've been giving him cigarettes or something, and now you know! I also have found peds nutritional advice extremely variable, depending on their own comfort level and interest in it. This is why you have opinionated mommy friends.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
DD was a very heavy milk drinker up until this week too. She'd go through a gallon in 3 days max. But last week she got a GI bug and we had to cut her off cold turkey. It was a problem at first and I even tried giving her soy milk as substitute but she wouldn't take more than a sip or two before throwing the whole sippy at me. Now she asks for milk only once a day and I just tell her no and hand her water. She has started eating about triple of what she used to though. She goes through the entire day chewing or sucking something. So just be prepared that if you cut him off milk, you'll need to replace it with something else.
Sheesh, he already eats as much as I do. The doctor said that the problem with too much milk is that the kiddos don't eat because they are full. He's eating as much as he drinks.
I'm really wondering why the doc never mentioned that this could be a problem. We talked about switching to skim but never discussed the quantity.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
I would not encourage cutting out milk and staying between 24-36 oz will be fine. I used to just fill up 4 8oz sippy cups for ds so I would know when he had his allotment for the day. Your little guy might not even have an issue, I only brought it up because i always think of a cup as 8 oz but if that is not always the case in terms of his consumption don't worry about it. Your doc may not have mentioned anything because most physicians have NO CLUE when it comes to dietary issues and nutrition, they just don't. Like I said, my graduate advisor diagnosed ds before the ped even had a clue (and he's a great doc).Tara
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.
I would maybe have your DH look into peds anemia and ferritin levels (iron stores). Not to beat a dead horse, but calcium inhibits iron absorption from non-meat sources. Maybe your ped just isn't familiar with this, but it's definitely in the literature all over the place. If he's been consuming that much calcium for this long, it's very possible.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
I wouldn't cut it in half all at once. When dd had food issues, we did slow weans. If you're trying to isolate factors for what could be causing the biting, then cutting that much milk out at a time could bring up other behavioral issues--i.e. he becomes super anxious.
Can you give him milk in a receptacle that is a bit more difficult for him to drink out of? Something where he gets a slower flow?married to an anesthesia attending
I don't know. The ped said we should go cold turkey and look forward to a rough week because cutting the milk is still "giving in" tlo his demands. I don't have a problem with "giving in" when the kid politely asks "more milk please?" So, I think I'm going to try watering down his milk gradually until he's consuming a normal amount,Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
What if you gave him a little less in each cup for a couple of days? After that, eliminate refills, and so on. Or, a refill could be water or no refill. Totally my opinion, but I could not do anything "cold turkey" that isn't being completely eliminated with my two year old.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
I'm not advocating the cold turkey method either. We only had to do it because it was the only method that eliminated her diarrhea. I would love to reintroduce milk back into her diet once her stomach has a chance to recover.
If he seems ok with a watered down version, may be stick with that for each refill.