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  • #16
    I didn't leave DS with anyone except family until he was 3 so *I* don't think you're being overprotective

    Neither of mine would have stayed in the carseat through an appointment without screaming. They were both only okay while the car was moving. DS used to scream at each stop light!

    I had DD lying on my chest at my 6 wk postpartum appointment but that wouldn't work at the dentist.

    I just put off appointments or go when DH is around (benefit of EM).


    • #17
      I always take my kids to my appointments, too. It never occurs to me not to! *shrug*

      My last dentist appointment involved my 5yo and 3yo jumping and wrestling at the foot of the chair while my not-quite-1yo screamed in her carseat. Good times.

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #18
        I had an eye doctor who refused to see me when I brought my infant in a snugglie pack to an appointment. I never went back to him again.
        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #19
          I had a infant that was so quite and slept good as long as she was fed and dry. I took her with me everywhere. I'll never forget I had a appointment and she screamed her lungs out the whole time I was there getting examined. A nurse took care of her while I was in getting a sono. I felt so bad, but the nurse was great and said that was her job and not to worry.

          It sounds to me like you need a find a babysitter. I know it sucks to think about leaving her. But if there is stuff that you really don't want to take her to then start looking for a place or a sitter that you trust and can call. I have a friend here that we used to swap sitter hours but we are not doing that any more because the other kid is in pre school. We have a drop off child care center here in town. It's $6 hour and is open very early until 10pm. I wouldn't have taken DD there when she was really young but as a 2 yr old it's a life saver when I need to be at work and the hospital vortex won't let lose of my husband.
          Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
          "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


          • #20
            SAHMs, my hat is off to you. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I leave my baby for all appointments. I'm a huge wuss and have reliable childcare, so it's an easy choice for me. I honestly enjoy dentist appointments now. The opportunity to read a magazine without interruption - yes please.


            • #21
              Originally posted by moonlight View Post
              It sounds to me like you need a find a babysitter. I know it sucks to think about leaving her. But if there is stuff that you really don't want to take her to then start looking for a place or a sitter that you trust and can call.
              It's more about it being "ok" to bring her...rather than wanting to bring her! I am looking forward to my in-laws coming up in February. Haircut and date night!
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bittersweet View Post
                SAHMs, my hat is off to you. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I leave my baby for all appointments. I'm a huge wuss and have reliable childcare, so it's an easy choice for me. I honestly enjoy dentist appointments now. The opportunity to read a magazine without interruption - yes please.
                That's the problem - we don't have reliable childcare unless his parents are in town. Quality childcare is also expensive - and if I can avoid that cost, I will! I wouldn't be embarrassed about going to appointments alone - if A was already with a sitter/at daycare, I wouldn't pick her up and schlep her to the dentist
                Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                • #23
                  Personally, I get a sitter for appts. I have brought kids to appts out of necessity (like the sitter canceled), but I try to avoid it at all costs. Luckily I have a babysitter who is great and usually available for daytime appts. Like others have mentioned, I look forward to appts. Some alone time is cherished. I also enjoy my car ride to and from work just for the silence - half the time I don't even turn the radio on. Aaahhh.
                  The last couple of times I have gotten my hair cut I have had to bring both kids. Very disappointing experiences since I basically just ask my hairdresser to wash and cut it. I leave with an unstyled wet head but at least it's cut. Motherhood is all about compromise, I guess!
                  Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                  • #24
                    For my vaginal check up after giving birth, my two year old sat on my stomach bec. he was very worried about what the doctor was doing to mommy, while the baby was in the carseat. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


                    • #25
                      I've been taking DD to my checkups. I try to get some dollar-store type toy - stickers, book, etc. and tell her if she's good I'll give her a special treat at the dr's office. Obviously that won't work with an infant but it's helpful now that she's older. It's going to be even more annoying now that I have to go every couple of weeks. It's a pain but what can you do? Even if we could afford a sitter, I'm too paranoid to leave her with anyone but family until she's a bit older. My pre-U/S paperwork did say kids were not allowed but I think that might have been generic paperwork since it's done in the radiology dept. Fortunately, my mom was visiting for that appt so I went alone but since it's just an U/S, I'm guessing the tech wouldn't have minded. My sister's OB office explicitly states no kids allowed. I think that's crazy for an OB office of all places!


                      • #26
                        BabyK came with me for an ultrasound when he was about 16 months old. I had him strapped into a stroller so he couldn't wander. He totally freaked out when he heard the baby's heartbeat and screamed and cried for the remainder of the exam. Fun times.
                        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                        • #27
                          Dentist? No. I don't bring the kids with me. Not until they are pretty much school aged and able to sit still and follow directions.

                          Doctors? Yes I bring them. Yes I get dirty looks sometimes. But I have so many dr appts to go to (for other kids usually) so I have to bring the baby with me.

                          Now my baby is 3 (yikes) and she can operate my iPhone very well. I had to bring her to my dr appt for me a few weeks ago. I was nervous bc I never bring her to MY appts. I didn't need a pap thank goodness, but she didn't even look up from my iPhone. I have lots of prek games on there for a reason. Monkey lunchbox - lifesaver.

                          Anyway... Can you shop around for a dentist with after hours and weekend times? I know there are tons who offer convenient scheduling around here-- mine does.

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #28
                            I only brought DD once to an OB appt when she was a couple of month old and slept through the whole thing. From then on it's been babysitters and day care.


                            • #29
                              He comes with.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                              Professional Relocation Specialist &
                              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                              • #30
                                I just read that the First Lady had to take Sasha to her job interview at U of Chicago Medical Ctr. when she was a baby bec. the sitter cancelled.

