Hey all,
Forgive my absence as I've just been enjoying and adjusting to life with Minnie. DH is also on vacation this week so he is finally getting some good time with her.
So I have a few questions, some which I think I know the answers to, others I have no clue. I'd appreciate any help.
1) DD is a screamer, and if I can get her to sleep with swaddling, shhing, swaying, and the paci I do... but sometimes I just can't handle the screaming (her voice is hoarse from screaming so much) and so sometimes I nurse just to console her or calm her enough to get her to sleep. I think this is okay as she isn't even a month old. Right?
2) I started pumping shortly after my milk came in to build up a supply. At first I was getting about 2.5 oz each time. Now I am only getting about 1-2 oz a time. This makes me worry that she isn't getting enough milk from me if I'm only getting that amount out with the pump. (As of now I just feed her on one side at a time, and if I pump I will pump the other side). I feel like I should be getting 2-4 oz out of a breast... but really I have no idea. I'm also afraid if I start nursing her on both sides at each feeding then I won't be able to build up a supply. DD also only nurses about 10 minutes, which is how long I usually pump as nothing comes out after 10 or so minutes).
3) We've given her a bottle twice this week in which she SUCKED down every drop. The one night we gave her 3 oz. at 8 p.m. She stayed awake until 10 p.m. and then slept until 5:30 in the morning. She normally is a good sleeper anyway. Feeds at about 9:30 and then again at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. but it just has me wondering if she isn't getting as much milk as she'd like/need. During the day she usually feeds about every 2-3 hours but sometimes I've been feeding her as much as every hour (usually in the evenings).
4) I drink a good amount of water and eat oatmeal almost every day. I've started walking and light workouts again... could that have anything to do with my supply? Is it possible my supply is normal? Or should I be doing something to increase it?
5) DD has lots of wet and dirty diapers... and I do have a doctors appt this week so I'm hoping that will confirm that she is continuing to gain weight. But at about one month, how much milk should I be producing?
Thanks ladies!
Forgive my absence as I've just been enjoying and adjusting to life with Minnie. DH is also on vacation this week so he is finally getting some good time with her.
So I have a few questions, some which I think I know the answers to, others I have no clue. I'd appreciate any help.
1) DD is a screamer, and if I can get her to sleep with swaddling, shhing, swaying, and the paci I do... but sometimes I just can't handle the screaming (her voice is hoarse from screaming so much) and so sometimes I nurse just to console her or calm her enough to get her to sleep. I think this is okay as she isn't even a month old. Right?
2) I started pumping shortly after my milk came in to build up a supply. At first I was getting about 2.5 oz each time. Now I am only getting about 1-2 oz a time. This makes me worry that she isn't getting enough milk from me if I'm only getting that amount out with the pump. (As of now I just feed her on one side at a time, and if I pump I will pump the other side). I feel like I should be getting 2-4 oz out of a breast... but really I have no idea. I'm also afraid if I start nursing her on both sides at each feeding then I won't be able to build up a supply. DD also only nurses about 10 minutes, which is how long I usually pump as nothing comes out after 10 or so minutes).
3) We've given her a bottle twice this week in which she SUCKED down every drop. The one night we gave her 3 oz. at 8 p.m. She stayed awake until 10 p.m. and then slept until 5:30 in the morning. She normally is a good sleeper anyway. Feeds at about 9:30 and then again at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. but it just has me wondering if she isn't getting as much milk as she'd like/need. During the day she usually feeds about every 2-3 hours but sometimes I've been feeding her as much as every hour (usually in the evenings).
4) I drink a good amount of water and eat oatmeal almost every day. I've started walking and light workouts again... could that have anything to do with my supply? Is it possible my supply is normal? Or should I be doing something to increase it?
5) DD has lots of wet and dirty diapers... and I do have a doctors appt this week so I'm hoping that will confirm that she is continuing to gain weight. But at about one month, how much milk should I be producing?
Thanks ladies!