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Breastfeeding questions

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  • Breastfeeding questions

    Hey all,

    Forgive my absence as I've just been enjoying and adjusting to life with Minnie. DH is also on vacation this week so he is finally getting some good time with her.

    So I have a few questions, some which I think I know the answers to, others I have no clue. I'd appreciate any help.

    1) DD is a screamer, and if I can get her to sleep with swaddling, shhing, swaying, and the paci I do... but sometimes I just can't handle the screaming (her voice is hoarse from screaming so much) and so sometimes I nurse just to console her or calm her enough to get her to sleep. I think this is okay as she isn't even a month old. Right?

    2) I started pumping shortly after my milk came in to build up a supply. At first I was getting about 2.5 oz each time. Now I am only getting about 1-2 oz a time. This makes me worry that she isn't getting enough milk from me if I'm only getting that amount out with the pump. (As of now I just feed her on one side at a time, and if I pump I will pump the other side). I feel like I should be getting 2-4 oz out of a breast... but really I have no idea. I'm also afraid if I start nursing her on both sides at each feeding then I won't be able to build up a supply. DD also only nurses about 10 minutes, which is how long I usually pump as nothing comes out after 10 or so minutes).

    3) We've given her a bottle twice this week in which she SUCKED down every drop. The one night we gave her 3 oz. at 8 p.m. She stayed awake until 10 p.m. and then slept until 5:30 in the morning. She normally is a good sleeper anyway. Feeds at about 9:30 and then again at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. but it just has me wondering if she isn't getting as much milk as she'd like/need. During the day she usually feeds about every 2-3 hours but sometimes I've been feeding her as much as every hour (usually in the evenings).

    4) I drink a good amount of water and eat oatmeal almost every day. I've started walking and light workouts again... could that have anything to do with my supply? Is it possible my supply is normal? Or should I be doing something to increase it?

    5) DD has lots of wet and dirty diapers... and I do have a doctors appt this week so I'm hoping that will confirm that she is continuing to gain weight. But at about one month, how much milk should I be producing?

    Thanks ladies!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2
    1) DD is a screamer, and if I can get her to sleep with swaddling, shhing, swaying, and the paci I do... but sometimes I just can't handle the screaming (her voice is hoarse from screaming so much) and so sometimes I nurse just to console her or calm her enough to get her to sleep. I think this is okay as she isn't even a month old. Right?
    Yes, absolutely! Heck, if nursing works better than the paci, why not use it? Babies get comfort and food from nursing and both are important. There is no rule that says babies shouldn't nurse for comfort or that it is "bad" for them. (well, I guess there might be some philosophies out there that would say this, but I vehemently disagree) I nurse N on demand when I am at home. It's our time to reconnect.

    2) I started pumping shortly after my milk came in to build up a supply. At first I was getting about 2.5 oz each time. Now I am only getting about 1-2 oz a time. This makes me worry that she isn't getting enough milk from me if I'm only getting that amount out with the pump. (As of now I just feed her on one side at a time, and if I pump I will pump the other side). I feel like I should be getting 2-4 oz out of a breast... but really I have no idea. I'm also afraid if I start nursing her on both sides at each feeding then I won't be able to build up a supply. DD also only nurses about 10 minutes, which is how long I usually pump as nothing comes out after 10 or so minutes).
    I wouldn't worry about it. I wasn't getting a whole lot until I was only pumping during the day. Otherwise she was eating most of it!
    3) We've given her a bottle twice this week in which she SUCKED down every drop. The one night we gave her 3 oz. at 8 p.m. She stayed awake until 10 p.m. and then slept until 5:30 in the morning. She normally is a good sleeper anyway. Feeds at about 9:30 and then again at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. but it just has me wondering if she isn't getting as much milk as she'd like/need. During the day she usually feeds about every 2-3 hours but sometimes I've been feeding her as much as every hour (usually in the evenings).
    I was worrying about this too...but then I just realized my kid is a little piglet and likes to suck. Honestly in the early days she would eat at breast or bottle almost every time it was offered. Look for cues that she might be done and is just sucking at the bottle because it is there. If she is having enough diapers and gaining, she's getting plenty. It amazes me now how quickly N can eat and be done at the breast vs. bottle. You really cannot compare the two...don't try, it will make you crazy.

    4) I drink a good amount of water and eat oatmeal almost every day. I've started walking and light workouts again... could that have anything to do with my supply? Is it possible my supply is normal? Or should I be doing something to increase it?
    It sounds like you are fine, but I was worried too. Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek seemed to help. Also Spirulina (they sell it in tablet form) seemed to really help too. Things haven't really gotten steady and consistent until 4-6 weeks ago.

    5) DD has lots of wet and dirty diapers... and I do have a doctors appt this week so I'm hoping that will confirm that she is continuing to gain weight. But at about one month, how much milk should I be producing?
    I don't really think there is a right or wrong answer as long as she is doing fine. And you cannot really tell. N can definitely get more out of me than the pump.

    Check out the KellyMom resources--they answered a lot of my questions! What you wrote is so familiar to me. Don't a few months you will feel much more confident and everything will be second nature. I promise.
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #3
      (1) I did this, but we kept it up a little too long and it became a nighttime crutch we had to break later (like at 14 months or so). It was worth it to us.
      (2) & (3) There is no set amount you need to hit, every kid/mom is different. Read up on clusterfeeding, I'm betting you are hitting it now. Even though she acts like she is starving, she is really biologically trying to "put in an order" for next week (or w/e) when she will be growing/bigger. That is the only way she can communicate to your supply. The more you feed/pump, the more you will make.
      (4) My supply only dipped when I tried to lose any weight... I ate oatmeal cookies (or chocolate chip cookies), made with fatty butter and full of fatty yummy goodness and my supply jumped, but weight stayed the same. For me, it was a simple formula ---> calories in = milk supply up. As soon as I dieted (at all) my supply dipped dramatically. Hence I stayed the same weight until we weaned.
      (5) Those are good signs! There really is no magic number like there is with formula, bm adjusts to fit the child's needs... sometimes more watery when it is hot (and the body says: baby needs hydration) and sometimes fattier (baby needs fat/nutrition) so you really cannot judge by amount alone.
      Last edited by scrub-jay; 05-10-2012, 09:51 AM.
      Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


      • #4
        Oh my! 10-5:30 stretch of sleep, and you're asking us for advice??? . I think you're doing everything right, fwiw.

        I've got nothing, because I'm queen of the bf-ing failure colony.

        On that note: more Minnie pics, please?
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          Originally posted by MarissaNicole View Post

          1) DD is a screamer, and if I can get her to sleep with swaddling, shhing, swaying, and the paci I do... but sometimes I just can't handle the screaming (her voice is hoarse from screaming so much) and so sometimes I nurse just to console her or calm her enough to get her to sleep. I think this is okay as she isn't even a month old. Right?
          We do this all the time, every night. It's worth it to us to get sleep and DD is stubborn enough to scream forever (or long enough that I can't handle it and start to cry).

          Originally posted by MarissaNicole View Post
          2) I started pumping shortly after my milk came in to build up a supply. At first I was getting about 2.5 oz each time. Now I am only getting about 1-2 oz a time. This makes me worry that she isn't getting enough milk from me if I'm only getting that amount out with the pump. (As of now I just feed her on one side at a time, and if I pump I will pump the other side). I feel like I should be getting 2-4 oz out of a breast... but really I have no idea. I'm also afraid if I start nursing her on both sides at each feeding then I won't be able to build up a supply. DD also only nurses about 10 minutes, which is how long I usually pump as nothing comes out after 10 or so minutes).
          She's probably eating more so that's why you're only getting 1-2 oz at a time. Unless I replace a feed (i.e. if I'm pumping on top of a feed), I get ~2 oz and no more. It makes sense, she empties and then it can't product much more. I only get 3-4 oz if I replace a feed. It took my like a week to get enough to replace a feed. I built up my supply by pumping every morning when I got up (your supply is highest in the AM) and then feeding her at her next feeding. I noticed she would sometimes cluster feed when I did that because presumably she wasn't getting enough. I don't think you should worry too much about her not getting enough because your pumping if you feed her on demand when she asks. She will "ask" your body to make enough to meet her needs if your breasts are empty.

          Originally posted by MarissaNicole View Post
          3) We've given her a bottle twice this week in which she SUCKED down every drop. The one night we gave her 3 oz. at 8 p.m. She stayed awake until 10 p.m. and then slept until 5:30 in the morning. She normally is a good sleeper anyway. Feeds at about 9:30 and then again at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. but it just has me wondering if she isn't getting as much milk as she'd like/need. During the day she usually feeds about every 2-3 hours but sometimes I've been feeding her as much as every hour (usually in the evenings).
          This is delightful. Keep up the good work! I know it's easy to worry about everything but you clearly have a good sleeper on your hands! She wasn't a premature baby or sick so I think conventional wisdom says you don't need to wake her up to feed after the first two weeks. Especially since she cluster feeds at night, it means she's got enough reserve to go through the night. Sigh, if you've got any tips, let me know. D is still up every 2-3 hours...

          Originally posted by MarissaNicole View Post
          4) I drink a good amount of water and eat oatmeal almost every day. I've started walking and light workouts again... could that have anything to do with my supply? Is it possible my supply is normal? Or should I be doing something to increase it?
          Your supply sounds completely normal to me! Definitely drink enough water and don't lose too fast but I think it sounds normal. I think my supply is dipping a little bit because I'm at or below my pre-preggo weight. I think I need to eat a little bit more in the next few weeks to keep it up.

          Originally posted by MarissaNicole View Post
          5) DD has lots of wet and dirty diapers... and I do have a doctors appt this week so I'm hoping that will confirm that she is continuing to gain weight. But at about one month, how much milk should I be producing?
          Look this up at Kellymom but I think they eat anywhere from 24-40 oz in a 24 hour period. Depends on the baby. I found that it was really hard to determine how much she was eating because I'm doing a combination of breastfeeding and pumping but I was told that an adequate amount of diapers + weight gain means that it's all going fine!!

          It's so easy to stress but you're doing a great job!! Post more pics!!
          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


          • #6
            And don't forget that Minnie is much more efficient at extracting milk than any pump can ever be. Watch her suckling so that you can learn the different between nutritive nursing and comfort nursing. The other thing is that when I pumped exclusively, I got huge amounts of milk. When I only pumped occasionally, I got significantly less milk. It is as if my body became primed to only respond to baby.


            • #7
              Originally posted by alison View Post
              Oh my! 10-5:30 stretch of sleep, and you're asking us for advice??? . I think you're doing everything right, fwiw.

              I've got nothing, because I'm queen of the bf-ing failure colony.

              On that note: more Minnie pics, please?
              Alison--- you are not a bfing failure. It doesn't work for everyone!!! You tried it and tried it--- no failure!!!

              As far as the rest-- if baby is gaining there's no need to worry. Any reason for the pumping? Do you use the milk you are pumping? If you aren't planning to use the milk within a week or two, I'd just drop the pumping. Breastmilk changes consistency and nutritive composition rapidly along with a growing baby-- expressed milk is great-- but the milk you are pumping now might not be "enough" in a few months. I don't know if you are trying to stockpile-- but I just hated pumping while nursing and I tried to not do it as much as possible!!!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                *rolls up sleeves and hikes up pants, a la Chris Farley in "Van Down By the River" SNL skit*
                "OKAY, SO..."

                We nurse on demand around here. DS is 13 months. (Just as a stepping off point).

                Baby will always be able to extract more milk from you than a pump - don't worry about what she's getting/not getting. If Minnie makes wet and dirty diapes, and the pediatrician doesn't use extreme language like "completely fallen off the growth curve - OMG, I'm calling CPS," then she's fine.
                I agree with clusterfeeding as a theory as well - they dictate their own supply, so taking her to breast (when time/job allows) is the best way to figure out what she needs. She is letting your body know, in advance.

                If you are like me, and knowing exact ounces is going to make you crazy/stress you out, then don't even go there. What she eats at breast is what she eats: what she eats from expressed milk in a bottle is also what she eats. Remember, eating at breast and grazing on a bottle are significantly different: one is work, the other is easy. Children will always find ways (inadvertently) to make you feel inadequate, and this should not be one of them.
                *AHEM* Alison, I'm looking at you, too... There is no failure, here. *hug*

                Also, with schedule: if she sleeps at night, and isn't waking to feed, then that is currently what she needs. Minnie will let you know as her needs change. Praise God that she sleeps! That's freaking amazing - please come to my house, and use your magic powers. *looks at DS* SIGH.

                If you are worried about supply: any issue (oversupply/engorgement/under supply) can best be discussed with an IBCLC lactation consultant. Most LLL groups have a few, or know how to get in contact with one. Supplements such as Fenugreek, Brewer's Yeast, or Spirulina are great - I also know a Mom who made homemade "milkmaking" cookies, and would bring them to our local breastfeeding support group every week. She googled the recipe online, and found it that way.

                You are doing great!
                Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                Professional Relocation Specialist &
                "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                • #9
                  Dude and the ladies here are great. Scrubjay and Thirteen walked me through so much and gave me so much advice. Thirteen gave me my first tub of nipple butter (I am forever grateful) and made heaven and earth move to find me local support in DFW. Crystal told me about oatmeal cookies...and then I made some and they really do seem to work. And they are so freakin' addictive and tasty. So then I made some for T&S. I believe she found them addictive as well (unless she was being nice!)

                  I don't know how I would have made it without the support of the ladies here. So I guess it is time to pass it on!

                  This recipe is awesome: ( I added M&Ms)


                  Expect some cookies in the mail soon... (no allergies, right?)
                  Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                  • #10
                    And alison - really? a failure? Yea right. First of all... quit beating yourself up, in retrospect, maybe the fact it didn't stick wasn't you at all, but M's quirky eating? Please, bf failure? Not even. You tried and tried really hard if memory serves -- that is a BF win in my book. ((hugs))

                    I will look for my recipe for the cookies tonight, but honestly, for me I think it was the sugar and fat that really helped. My ebm was incredibly fatty/rich (TMI?) after those treats. I called them medicinal... eatin' them for the baby, best excuse ever.
                    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, ladies! I didn't mean to draw attention to my bf-ing experience. I'm actually completely over it, and am considering exclusively bottle feeding if we have another baby. So great, because then dh can do night feedings.

                      I think the wet diapers are a good sign that Minnie is doing well!
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                        I don't know how I would have made it without the support of the ladies here. So I guess it is time to pass it on!
                        It was not being nice. Those cookies are AMAZING. I tried to keep them to myself but DH inhaled some of them too! I think I was probably supposed to be passing on the love since I have just been the recipient of the love train from ST but I'm a failure. I should have made you those cookies. I would offer now but my cookie sheets are already packed to meet my goal of "one box/day".

                        I wouldn't have made it in those early days without being able to text ST and get feedback! The iMSN love is amazing!
                        Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                        Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                        • #13
                          Thanks everyone, you are making me feel a ton better!

                          I am pumping for a few reasons 1) To stockpile for upcoming weddings and events and anytime I want to leave her because she even wanted to eat when I was gone an hour and a half to the gym yesterday (so some will be eaten now, and some will be eaten in the future) 2) I want my body to be used to pumping in case I go back to work.
                          Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                          • #14
                            Minnie ate EVERY two hours yesterday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m....... but I got a great Mother's Day present..... she then slept from 11:45 p.m. to 6:45 a.m. after that! It was amazing! (Please don't throw stones).
                            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                            • #15

