Put this in the category of , "the more you know the more you realize that you know very little", lol.
Dd is 10 months and still nurses during the day every 2-3 hours. She usually nurses once during the night. She is on 15mg of Prevacid for reflux. The only thing she will eat is Yobaby yogurt (she'll have 3-6 oz/day). I'm not worried that she isn't getting what she needs (if you've seen her pics she is a happy, chunky, 22lb dolly), but I would like to expand her diet and selfishly I need a break from time to time. Note: she chokes on Cheerios and will only reluctantly eat them. We've tried nearly all flavors and varieties of baby food, oatmeal (even the brown sugar variety mixed with whole milk). She simply refuses to eat and will clamp down her jaws when offered food even though she seems interested at the table.
So what works for these little ones? And what won't she choke on (mom's #1 fear..I'm neurotic about it)? Her doc had us stop all solids (yogurt) for two weeks and then start reintroducing and it's almost like she said with her expression during the reintroductions, "don't you people remember I hate food?" LOL!
Dd is 10 months and still nurses during the day every 2-3 hours. She usually nurses once during the night. She is on 15mg of Prevacid for reflux. The only thing she will eat is Yobaby yogurt (she'll have 3-6 oz/day). I'm not worried that she isn't getting what she needs (if you've seen her pics she is a happy, chunky, 22lb dolly), but I would like to expand her diet and selfishly I need a break from time to time. Note: she chokes on Cheerios and will only reluctantly eat them. We've tried nearly all flavors and varieties of baby food, oatmeal (even the brown sugar variety mixed with whole milk). She simply refuses to eat and will clamp down her jaws when offered food even though she seems interested at the table.
So what works for these little ones? And what won't she choke on (mom's #1 fear..I'm neurotic about it)? Her doc had us stop all solids (yogurt) for two weeks and then start reintroducing and it's almost like she said with her expression during the reintroductions, "don't you people remember I hate food?" LOL!