K1 (age 3.5yo) has been asking some really specific questions about my pregnancy. Primarily, he's asking about fetal development. How big is lamb? (He calls her lamb.) Does she have eyes? arms? a belly button? Can she hear me? How big is mommy's tummy going to get? He hasn't yet asked how she got in there but I expect he will sometime in the next year. He's also been lecturing me about getting rest and eating when lamb is hungry; he scolded me for postponing my breakfast this morning.
I've shown him his baby pictures including pictures of me when I was pregnant with him, ultrasound pictures, and his own newborn pictures. Can any one recommend a kid-friendly book about pregnancy/fetal development/newborns that will not be too technical or creepy? Our pediatrician was flabbergasted when we brought it up and thought we should just stick with the "you're gonna be a big brother" variety of toddler books that talk more about how mommy and daddy still love you and it's so cool to be a big brother. That's fine for K2 but K1 is past that point. I don't want to overwhelm him with information or volunteer things that he's not asking but I want to be able to answer his questions directly.
I've shown him his baby pictures including pictures of me when I was pregnant with him, ultrasound pictures, and his own newborn pictures. Can any one recommend a kid-friendly book about pregnancy/fetal development/newborns that will not be too technical or creepy? Our pediatrician was flabbergasted when we brought it up and thought we should just stick with the "you're gonna be a big brother" variety of toddler books that talk more about how mommy and daddy still love you and it's so cool to be a big brother. That's fine for K2 but K1 is past that point. I don't want to overwhelm him with information or volunteer things that he's not asking but I want to be able to answer his questions directly.