SIL has a client who just started her own business making designer/custom bibs. I've seen her facebook page, they are cute.
So I got an email from SIL today saying she asked this lady for some samples of bibs for DS,, which she is sending this week. She asks if I can give feedback and take some pictures of DS in the bibs.
Now, maybe I'm making a big deal out of this but it doesn't sit right with me. I'm assuming SIL is helping this lady with marketing etc. because I know she does this on the side. SIL is in sales and very good at it.
I don't like that this is something she volunteered DS for without asking us first. I don't want pictures of my baby online advertising bibs, although I guess I'd be ok with a couple of pictures in a Facebook album or something, I don't know.
She doesn't have kids so maybe she didn't think about the online presence thing. She said her client thinks DS would be adorable in them. But, she's not charging for them so I feel like there's a catch.
I don't want to cause problems for her by just refusing. Should I get something in writing saying DS won't become the poster boy for these bibs? In fairness, the little girl advertising them now is way too old to be wearing them so I'm concerned that they're looking for a new model and his picture will be all over her facebook page. At the same time it would be kind of nice to help her kick start her business.
I haven't mentioned this to DH yet. He would probably say no outright and cause war with SIL so I'm trying to find a compromise and keep the peace. WWYD? Maybe I'm making too much of it but we're pretty private people.
So I got an email from SIL today saying she asked this lady for some samples of bibs for DS,, which she is sending this week. She asks if I can give feedback and take some pictures of DS in the bibs.
Now, maybe I'm making a big deal out of this but it doesn't sit right with me. I'm assuming SIL is helping this lady with marketing etc. because I know she does this on the side. SIL is in sales and very good at it.
I don't like that this is something she volunteered DS for without asking us first. I don't want pictures of my baby online advertising bibs, although I guess I'd be ok with a couple of pictures in a Facebook album or something, I don't know.
She doesn't have kids so maybe she didn't think about the online presence thing. She said her client thinks DS would be adorable in them. But, she's not charging for them so I feel like there's a catch.
I don't want to cause problems for her by just refusing. Should I get something in writing saying DS won't become the poster boy for these bibs? In fairness, the little girl advertising them now is way too old to be wearing them so I'm concerned that they're looking for a new model and his picture will be all over her facebook page. At the same time it would be kind of nice to help her kick start her business.
I haven't mentioned this to DH yet. He would probably say no outright and cause war with SIL so I'm trying to find a compromise and keep the peace. WWYD? Maybe I'm making too much of it but we're pretty private people.