Looking for everyone's range of experiences when it comes to toddlers hitting speech milestones. DD is 15 months and not yet saying any real words. She babbles a lot, using a variety of syllables, and she points and communicates in a variety of ways. She's social and responds to words that we use correctly - "where's your bunny?" (points to bunny) "Where's your elephant?" (points to elephant) "Can I have a kiss?" (basically licks my face) etc. She says "Dada" correctly, but it also means Mama, kitty, and any number of other things. She *might* be developing significant "toddler words" for other things, like when I say "DD, can you say 'kitty'?" she responds with "tee". (When I say "can you say Mama?" she says "Dada!" and then cackles at me...)
I don't feel like she's totally off-track, but we're starting to hit the edge of the supposed " normal " range for speech development. She was 5 weeks early, so there's that. Her 15 month appointment is this week so I'll ask about it, just wondering what everyone else's experiences are for their kids' speech development. I was apparently a late talker, so she may just be following in my footsteps.
I don't feel like she's totally off-track, but we're starting to hit the edge of the supposed " normal " range for speech development. She was 5 weeks early, so there's that. Her 15 month appointment is this week so I'll ask about it, just wondering what everyone else's experiences are for their kids' speech development. I was apparently a late talker, so she may just be following in my footsteps.