#4 is 10 months old and has been backing off nursing, which is pretty normal for my kids. 3 days ago, he quit entirely very suddenly. He is cutting his top three teeth and started biting every time I tried to nurse him. I told him no, he cried, and now he gets pissed if I even offer anymore. He happily goes for a water cup instead. It's been 72 hours since he nursed, save for one time in the middle of the night 2 days ago I got him to eat. No luck since.
This is totally new for me. I've never had a kid do this or wean before my supply was pretty much gone on its own. 12-14 months for the other kids. It is definitely NOT gone because jeez my boobs are feeling it!
Should I keep offering? Honestly, I don't mind if he weans but I wonder if I'm being too hasty because he's teething. And what do I need to do as far as formula or cow/goats milk til he is 1?
This is totally new for me. I've never had a kid do this or wean before my supply was pretty much gone on its own. 12-14 months for the other kids. It is definitely NOT gone because jeez my boobs are feeling it!
Should I keep offering? Honestly, I don't mind if he weans but I wonder if I'm being too hasty because he's teething. And what do I need to do as far as formula or cow/goats milk til he is 1?